Friday 31 August 2018

The Perfect Dog Breeds For Apartment Dwellers

A lot of people from all over the globe are fond of owning a pet dog. Sadly, if you live in an apartment, there are certain breeds that you simply cannot bring in. Now, this article will help you to find the perfect dog breed for you and one that can live in an apartment with ease.

The following is a list of the perfect dog breed for apartment dwellers:

The Cocker Spaniel - They are known to have curly hair and they are also known to have sad looking eyes. The Cocker Spaniels will definitely like living in an apartment. They are easy to maintain and need minimum exercise only. They can sleep or lounge on your sofa all day and can wait for their master all day if they want to.

The Italian Greyhound - They look just like the big Greyhounds. They weigh about 10 pounds only. They are quite intelligent and easy to teach. They like to run and chase as long as they can, and then again they are known to enjoy sleeping on a sofa.

The Pug - They are famous for being small and cute. They weigh around 10 to 25 pounds only. They are perfect for apartment dwellers as they are compact and small in size. They have short hair coat and they are known to be caring and loving. With a little walking here and there, they will be happy.

The Schipperke - Sadly, not a lot of people knows about this breed. But this breed is known to be perfect for apartment dwellers. The Schipperke is tiny and with no tail, they usually weigh around 10 to 18 pounds. They need a daily dose of exercise since they are an active breed.

The Schnauzer - They can be found in miniature or standard sizes. They are known to be perfect for apartment dwellers. They do require daily grooming, and the Schnauzers are known to be protective of their masters.

The Scottish terrier - It is known as a working dog breed. The Scottish terrier weighs about 15 to 20 pounds. They are intelligent and they have to exercise on a daily basis. They are tough and compact in built; they are known to be protective of their owners and they are loyal as well.

The Whippet - They resemble the Greyhounds in features and in looks, but they are in moderate size. They are fond of running around any track and cuddling with their owners is one of their beloved activities. They are known to be faithful and loyal to their masters.

The Welsh Corgi - They are known to weigh about 25 pounds, and they are one of the most popular dog breeds for pets. They are stocky in build and with a short tail. They need lots of exercise on a daily basis as well. They are quite perfect for apartment dwellers.

These are a few of the perfect dog breeds for apartment dwellers.


Ultrasonic Whistle Training - What Is It and How It Works

Ultrasonic whistle training is a technique used by many beginning as well as professional dog trainers, particularly for training a dog to hunt. It uses a special whistle called an ultrasonic whistle or dog whistle to get a dog's attention and give commands. Some even call the device a silent whistle, because it produces sounds in very high-frequency ranges that for the most part are inaudible to people. Dogs, however, have extremely acute hearing and can perceive the whistle's sounds even when they're a considerable distance away from their handler.

When you blow into an ultrasonic whistle your dog will hear a distinct, loud whistle, although you'll probably just hear your breath rushing through it. Whistle training involves training your dog to respond to the sound produced by the whistle. Once he learns that, you'll be able to get your dog's attention or call your dog without shouting, even if he's out of sight or far away.

The sound produced by an ultrasonic whistle is high-pitched, but when used properly, it won't harm your dog's ears or impair his hearing in any way. For many people, whistle training simply gives them a way of getting their dog's attention, but its long-range capabilities can make it a valuable supplement to other training techniques.

Whistle training can be highly effective, particularly for training gun dogs and herding dogs that work at a distance from their owners. It can be a bit tricky to get the hang of whistle training when you're just beginning, but some practice can help you get it right. Once you do, it will become invaluable for long-distance training. In fact, when combined with specific hand signals, whistle training can help you train your dog to perform several commands from a distance, including "sit," "come" and "move in a specific direction."

Here are a few tips you can use to get started with whistle training:

Use praise and treats to motivate your dog. After blowing the whistle and immediately praising and giving your dog a treat a few times, he'll associate the sound of the treat with receiving the reward.

Once your dog learns the whistle means good things are coming, walk a few steps away and blow the whistle. If he doesn't come to you immediately, call him with an encouraging voice. Give him a treat and warm praise as soon as he does come. Repeat this several times (it might take a few days for your dog to get this down).

Now, play a game of "hide and seek" with your dog. Hide from your dog after telling him to "sit" and "stay." Then call him and immediately blow the whistle, continuing to produce the sound until your dog successfully locates you. Give him a treat and praise as soon as he does. Once again, practice by playing the game several times.

By following these tips, you can use whistle training to teach your dog to come to you, even if you're out of his sight or far away. If your dog seems confused at any time during the training process, don't get frustrated or start scolding your dog. Instead, go back to a step your dog has mastered and build from there. Remember, practice makes perfect.


Thursday 30 August 2018

Dogs and Arthritis - The Different Treatments Available

I'm pretty sure you either know some people who have arthritis or you're at least familiar with what arthritis is. But you might not realize that dogs can get arthritis too.

Arthritis in dogs is actually pretty similar to arthritis in people. Several things can cause it, but arthritis is always a painful degenerative disease that leads to stiff, aching joints and muscles. It can vary in severity. Some dogs are lucky and have barely noticeable symptoms. Others, however, are less fortunate and experience a great deal of pain and severely restricted mobility. There isn't any real cure for arthritis, so if your dog is arthritic, you'll want some information on dog arthritis treatments that can help improve his quality of life.

An assortment of treatment options and therapies are available, all of which hope to alleviate the painful symptoms of arthritis and/or increase freedom of movement. These dog arthritis treatments can be loosely categorized into two types - natural and chemical.

Natural Dog Arthritis Treatments

Herbal remedies are one way to treat an arthritic dog naturally. A number of herbs can help ease your dog's pain and can be purchased at natural health care and herbal stores. For example, a daily dose of tea made from fresh or dried alfalfa can help reduce swelling in the joints. Yucca, another herb, can help ease the pain of arthritis because it contains natural steroids. Comfrey leaves are a third example, but other herbs can be also used as natural herbal therapies.

Massage can also ease the pain experienced by dogs with arthritis. You can use just your hands to rub your pet's aching limbs, or you can incorporate an herbal oil, olive oil or sunflower oil into the massage.

Excess weight is a common cause of arthritis in dogs because it causes additional wear and tear on the joints. Weight control is an easy but effective way to help alleviate your dog's suffering, although it probably won't eliminate it totally. Put your dog on a diet of healthy, nutritious food, and once he achieves the proper weight for his size and breed, keep it there.

Gentle, low-impact exercise is very important for dogs suffering from arthritis. The exercise forces the dog to move, which ultimately might further damage the cartilage, but it also stimulates the production of joint-lubricating synovial fluid which can increase mobility.

Acupuncture is yet another natural technique that can be effective for canine arthritis pain. It can increase circulation - and therefore the blood supply - in the vicinity of an arthritic joint. This provides additional oxygen and slows the degeneration of joint tissues. Acupuncture is also helpful for alleviating muscle spasms. It stimulates the nerves and muscles to increase leg strength and causes the secretion of the endorphin hormones which help a dog feel better.

These and other natural dog arthritis treatments can be given alone or combined with prescription and non-prescription medications, depending on your vet's recommendation.

Chemical-Based Dog Arthritis Treatments

A wide assortment of prescription and non-prescription medications can also be used to treat a dog with arthritis. For example, Rimadyl® is a prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which can alleviate pain and inflammation in joints, but dog owners need to be aware that it carries the risk of liver damage. Although this particular side effect only affects a small percentage of dogs, Rimadyl® (as well as other NSAIDs) also has some pretty nasty other potential side effects, so if you give your dog Rimadyl® and notice any adverse effects, stop the drug immediately and speak with your vet.

Deramaxx® is another prescription NSAID which can be given to dogs for the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Like Rimadyl®, Deramaxx® has a number of potential side effects, including abdominal pain, fatigue, bloody stools, itching, jaundice, skin rashes, weight gain and more. Bring any side effects to your vet's attention promptly.

NSAIDs can be effective, but their potential side effects require them to be used cautiously. The same could be said for prescription steroids, which can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and/or kidney disease, muscle atrophy (wasting) and Cushing's disease.

Those chemical-based dog arthritis treatments can have some undesirable and potentially life-threatening side effects if allowed to progress without veterinary intervention. So, what other chemical-based dog arthritis treatments are available?

Well, there's always aspirin, the old standby. It, too, is an NSAID and can be effective against the pain and swelling caused by arthritis. But aspirin also has some potential side effects, including gastrointestinal irritation that can cause liver and kidney damage and the possibility of further damaging a dog's already-degraded joint cartilage. As a result, aspirin should only be given for short-term pain relief, not as a long-term method of controlling pain. Using buffered or enteric (coated) aspirin can help prevent side effects, but only slightly. The standard veterinary dosage of aspirin for a 12-hour period is 5-10 mg per pound of the dog's body weight, given at feeding time.
Glucosamine for Dogs (Vegetarian)

Finally, supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin are products which can help reduce pain and increase mobility by protecting and lubricating arthritic joints. Often taken by people with arthritis, these ingredients have been proven to soothe, rehabilitate and sometimes even regenerate tissue damaged by arthritis. Fortunately, they have virtually no side effects, although once a dog starts taking them they must continue or joint degeneration will resume. In short, glucosamine and chondroitin are providing to be among the safest and most effective dog arthritis treatments available. Often grouped as a chemical-based treatment because they're available in liquid or pill form, glucosamine and chondroitin are actually natural dietary supplements. In the right form and amount, they can provide pain relief and promote joint health within 10 to 30 days after treatment begins.
Glucosamine for Small Dogs

It is such a pain for a dog owner to see his four-legged best friend suffering from Arthritis

It really is heartbreaking however we all know that there is a good chance that one day or another our dog will experience this kind of disorder.

Many dog owners are not aware of all the different ailments that a dog can encounter in his life-span, and most important, the different causes and symptoms that could be very helpful to diagnose these conditions before they become major ones.


Thinking About Getting a Dog?

The first question many people ask is should I get a rescue or a purebred?

Many feel that rescuing from the shelter is the option everyone should consider first. While it is a great idea to rescue a dog from possible euthanasia, there are several things to consider. When getting a mixed breed dog, if it's still a pup, you may have no idea how big it's going to get, how much it will shed or what it's temperament will be like. It is a myth that you can tell how big a puppy will get by the size of his feet.

Older dogs should always be considered, as while puppies are invariably cute, it is really just a very, very short part of their life and by adopting an older dog you can usually skip the housebreaking, teething and spaying or neutering. You will also know what size and coat type it has. That said, some older dogs at shelters come with their own "baggage". They may have been abused or simply allowed to grow with no training, may have aggressive tendencies you aren't aware of at first or no knowledge of rules, boundaries, and limitations, as we are reminded by Cesar Milan, a renowned Dog Whisperer. As he has shown many times, you really can teach an old dog new tricks.

If you have the time to properly overcome this sort of baggage.... and really, ANY dog of any breed, any age requires a genuine investment in training, you will be more than rewarded for your time by taking in an older dog from the shelter. We also find that many of the volunteers at the shelters, while having the best of intentions, have little knowledge of purebred dogs and it is quite common for people to adopt a dog and be told it is a type of breed that it is not.

The advantage of buying a purebred dog is that you will know exactly what you are getting with regard to size, temperament, coat type, shedding, grooming needs, etc. The most important thing to keep in mind when buying a purebred dog is NOT to buy from stores or the internet. Most people have heard of the horrors of so-called "puppy mills" and while most people would never intentionally buy a puppy from such a situation, they don't realize that NO ethical breeder would ever sell puppies to a store. In fact, it is cause for dismissal from most purebred parent clubs, to which, most responsible breeders belong.

The internet has become a boon for these disreputable breeders, as they give the puppies a bath and a cute ribbon and people are fooled into thinking it is coming from a responsible breeder. A quality bred purebred dog is not cheap but ironically, you can almost always get a good one from a good breeder for less than those in a store. The ones on the internet are way cheaper for a reason. No health clearances are done on the parents, no championship titles to prove their merit in their breed, no long-term health guarantees and they can, quite simply, charge a lot less when they are breeding by the hundreds with little or no investment in their care and upkeep.

If a purebred is the right choice for your family, find a breeder that you can visit. If they show dogs, even better. Then you can be assured they are investing in producing the best representatives of the breed that are also healthy and of good temperament. Be prepared to be put on a waiting list for a quality puppy, as well as being asked to sign a spay/neuter contract, since most breeders try to protect their breeds from unethical or ill-informed breeding resulting in poor specimens of the breed as well as possibly introducing hereditary health concerns. Also, you will be asked a number of questions by the breeder so they can determine if you can provide the proper environment for the dog. If the seller doesn't care about your lifestyle and the conditions under which the dog will live, this should tell you right there it is not a quality breeder or seller of dogs.

If you search the internet for your breed of choice, you should be able to find the local members of the national parent club for that breed. They can also point you in the right direction if you would like to rescue a purebred adult of that breed.

Whatever your decision about your new addition to your family, be sure to take your time, do your homework on what would work best for your situation and be prepared to put in the time to train your new dog and help them become a lifelong, loving part of the family.


Wednesday 29 August 2018

Want to Learn How to Train a Dog? Simple But Important Dog Training Techniques

Learning how to train a dog by using tested dog training techniques is the focus of many dog owners. Let us begin by considering why you should train your dog. The reasons can be many but I have listed a few major ones here:

1) A well-trained dog is loved and cared for. 
2) Its safety and your safety depend on it being well trained. 
3) For the safety of your family and friends also it is essential that the dog is well trained.

It is essential to train the dog to behave properly and also ensure that it is obedient. Often people who have newly acquired a dog do tend to worry a little with the process. The first thing you need to teach a puppy is potty training. Dog house training is also the next important thing in a good dog training program.

Dog crate training is also essential to cure them of chewing habits which leads to chewing anything that they find lying around the house.

This finally leads to potty training and training the dog to be obedient.

In your how to train a dog program (assuming you adopt a formal regimen) remember leash training is also very important. Leash training actually forms an intrinsic part of obedience training. When it comes to behavioral training, incentive based dog training techniques yield better results than punishment based.

Make sure you use reinforcements as a way to reward an expected behavior rather than punishment. While training a dog patience is very important as each dog has its own behavioral patterns while some pick up things fast others resist any kind of training program.

Make sure you have reinforcement like some food items or patting if a dog does as it is told.

A dog that is too aggressive or very jumpy will need to be trained to behave, however do not scold too much, ensure the dog knows what is not acceptable behavior and may lead to punishment or scolding, but do not be too harsh.

It is essential to take the breed of the dog into account when training as that plays a major factor in determining how fast or slow your dog will react to certain instructions.

Make sure you do not ignore or indulge any behavior problem even though your dog may be a small puppy. This will in the long run lead to the dog considering that behavior as acceptable.

What Are the Most Important Dog Training Basics?

Can you think of the day when your puppy first came to your house and it was just looking around the house, like a little lost soul, your first desire is to pick the puppy and hold it. Dogs are definitely man's best companions and they bring much happiness and cheer to life.

Dogs can be taught anything - the only thing that has to be kept in mind is that it should be done in the right way. Dogs always adapt to the family in which they are living and become part of the family. They are great as companions and as far as faithfulness and loyalty is concerned they are known for it.

An important step in dog training basics is to establish a routine with your dog. Dogs love routines and follow them so make sure you have a set routine with your dog. Designate a specific time for everything. In the beginning, take them out 3-4 times to urinate. Your dog should know that this is the time for it to do potty or urinate.

Set a routine for daily walks as this not only enables your dog to exercise but also establishes a healthy routine and your dog will look forward to this routine. Make sure that you do this regularly and also do it around the same time.

When it comes to dog training basics one of the most important things is that you should use positive methods. When the dog does something you want him to do, use appreciation or patting or a treat as reinforcement. However, do not overdo the treat method or it will always expect a treat when it does something.

When rewarding your dog always remember timing is very important. Reward the dog immediately after he has done the action so he knows that he will get a reward when he does a certain action. Keep the instructions short and sweet. Use short sentences to instruct.

Be consistent with your command-make sure every family member uses the same word to command. Use positive reinforcements when the dog behaves himself like not jumping at people.


Tuesday 28 August 2018

3 Easy Ways You Can Tell That Your Dog Is Pregnant

Dog Pregnancy Chart
Dog pregnancies last for 9 weeks, but the obvious signs (like a big belly) don't show up until the last few weeks. Although it is still best to go to the vet to confirm the pregnancy, observing for signs in the early and middle stages of gestation can also be useful. Like us, dogs also react differently to pregnancy but there are also common telltale signs that they are expecting.

Here are 3 easy ways to tell if your pet is expecting:

Watch out for early pregnancy symptoms

It will be difficult to tell if your dog is pregnant during the first half of gestation, but there are some symptoms you can observe early on. If you had your pet mated and it was successful, she won't show any symptoms until the twenty-first day. Around this time, her gums will be white for a couple of days as the fetuses start to attach to her uterus where most of her blood is gathering. Also, many doggy moms-to-be also experience morning sickness around this time which may last for a week or two.

Observe physical changes

You will be able to see physical changes on a pregnant dog about 2 to 3 weeks after conception. One of the first few signs that you will be able to see is nipple color change. An expecting dog's nipples will appear to be pinker than usual, more prominent and slightly swollen. It won't be until the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy that her belly will start to fill out and her waist will begin to thicken.

Noticing behavioral changes

The average female dog usually behaves the same and may only exhibit changes in behavior during the last 3 weeks of gestation. During this time, her belly becomes rounder and more distended and her nipples become more swollen. She may be more tired and sleepy during this period as it becomes more difficult to move around. You will notice a change in appetite - many preggy pets prefer eating small meals throughout the day instead of fewer, larger meals as their big belly can no longer accommodate them. Lastly, while some doggy mommas-to-be prefer being left alone and become quieter, many of them also become more clingy and affectionate to their owners during pregnancy.

Expecting puppies is an exciting time for any dog parent, but be sure to prioritize the mother while she is expecting as she might need you more than ever around this time.


Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes When Training Your Puppy

So you have your treats and rewards ready. You know how to teach the first basic command step by step. You're ready for your first puppy training session! It should be smooth sailing, right? It could be once you read and avoid these common mistakes that dog parents make when training their pet:

Choosing the wrong time for training

Puppies are fairly easy to teach once you have their attention and interest. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time. Choose to train him when he isn't excited, exploring or tired. An ideal time would be when he's trying to get your attention to play with you - this means that he wants to spend quality time and his focus is on you. Where you hold your training sessions also play a significant part in your success, so be sure to choose a quiet area in your home with the least distractions.

Holding lengthy training sessions

It is important to keep in mind that puppies are like little children - you have to make an effort to get their attention and once you have it, you have to work hard to keep it. Generally, they get bored easily because of their short attention spans. Because of this, long training sessions will never work. Keep the sessions to a maximum of 10 minutes per day. Short but regular ones work best.

Teaching too many things at once

As a pet parent, one of the most important traits we should display is patience. A lot of patience is indeed needed from you when it comes to teaching your dog basic commands and tricks. Teach a basic command one at a time, don't move on to the next until he's mastered the first one. This way, you'll be sure that your pup has really learned and not just following your orders at the time.

Not making training sessions a positive experience

Dogs respond best when trained with a positive attitude and treats. Scolding them when they make mistakes gives them the impression that a training session is a time they shouldn't look forward to. As a result, it will take longer for him to learn and longer for you to achieve your goal.

Not having scheduled feedings

Housebreaking a pup can be a difficult task especially when you feed him at different times throughout the day. But when you have scheduled feedings - one meal in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night, it will be easier for you to determine the times your pet has to be taken outside to do his business.

Avoid these 5 common puppy training mistakes and your dog will learn basic commands in no time!


Monday 27 August 2018

Homemade Versus Commercial Dog Food

It has long been debated whether homemade or commercial food is better for your dog. To allow pet owners to decide for yourselves, you are provided with a list of what you should be looking for in a good quality dog food. These qualities can apply to either homemade or commercial items.

Good quality of the meat. Homemade dog food can easily have this quality. What you need to do is to shop for good quality meat and use that to feed your dog.

When it comes to commercial food products, making sure this criterion is met can be a little tricky. Owners cannot readily check the quality of the meat that was used. You can just stick to what you have used in the past. The brand name of the product and its past records will also be an important determinant.

Meat by-products such as organs are usually not advisable to be included in the dog food. So, when you are personally preparing the food, make sure that you do not include these. And when you are buying food, you can simply avoid these by looking at the label and making sure that you do not see terms such as 'by-products', 'grains', 'organs' or etc.

High amounts of animal proteins. Your pets need an adequate intake of animal proteins. This provides for better growth and development. Also, muscle repair in cases of injury can be well facilitated by enough protein intake.

Avoid including or choosing products that have vegetable proteins in them. Although these would not produce any negative effects on your pets, these will not be as effective as animal proteins. It's the same way as saying that you are feeding them non-nutritious food.

You can include vegetables in your pet's diet. But, you should know that they won't need too much. You can include vegetables to meet the requirements for vitamins and some minerals. And in order to meet this, you only need minimal amounts of most veggies.

Avoid chemical additives. Chemical additives have varied purposes. Most commonly, it is to increase the shelf life of the food. Others use it to enhance flavor or color of the product. For homemade items, chemical additives can be almost completely avoided.

Buying commercial food products, though, would alert dog owners with regards these additives. Unfortunately, most of these additives are carcinogenic. Trusted food brands and those that have passed government standards may give you the guarantee that you are not buying a processed food product.

Choose which one costs less. Depending on what ingredients you buy or which brand you choose, you can see the significant difference on the price between a homemade dog food and a commercial dog food. So, if you still can't decide which to give your pet based on the criteria above, you can take expenses into consideration.

So, you can feed your dog with homemade or commercial dog food. But, the most important things to consider are listed above and you should feed your dog based on these characteristics.

If you decide that you would like to provide your dog a nutritious homemade dog food click on the link below to find out some possibly unexpected facts.


Top 4 Most Common Dog Parenting Mistakes Revealed

Raising a dog is very similar to raising a child. How you treat, train and what you instill in your pet early on greatly affects how they would turn out later on in life. While there is no exact "right" way to raise a dog, there are some wrong practices that owners make that may contribute or cause a pet's negative attitude, health problems or even put them in danger.

Here are the 4 most common dog parenting mistakes that you should avoid:

Lack of socialization

The first year of a dog's life is crucial - it is when he learns the most of everything that you teach him. That is why socializing your dog, especially during the early months, is important. When a dog isn't comfortable around people or other pets, it will be hard for him to trust and can be difficult and even dangerous. Play with your dog daily, bring him out so that he'll be familiar with the people in your surroundings and allow him to play with other dogs.

Lack of exercise

Eating without burning the calories off results to weight gain. This does not only apply to us but to our pets as well. According to statistics, obesity in dogs is now up to 52.5 percent due to lack of exercise. Consult your vet how much exercise your dog needs (depending on his age and size) and be sure to reach it through daily walks and keeping him active.

Lack of company

Leaving a dog alone for several hours is not healthy, especially when they are cooped up in a cage. This will lead to them feeling sad and eventually become aggressive - chewing on things, making a mess around the house and the like. If you're going to be away for more than 7 hours each day, be sure to have someone check your pet or have a sitter to walk your dog and keep him company.

Lack of supervision

Dogs are known to be curious and will eat anything. One common mistake that dog parents make is not being extra careful about what their pet eats. Small, sharp bones, spoiled food and chocolate are among the dangerous food that your pet will usually encounter and put in their mouth. This will lead to choking, poisoning and other problems.

Avoid these mistakes when raising your pup and you and he will have a continuous harmonious relationship.
