Monday 13 August 2018

What Is A PTSD Dog And How Can They Help?

A PTSD dog which is a post-traumatic stress dog is for anybody that has endured a difficult usually life-threatening situation. These types of dogs are specially trained to provide aid and comfort to people who have undergone these traumatic experiences. It truly is amazing what these animals can provide.

If you know someone who is suffering from PTSD it is important that you share with them information about how a companion dog can help them cope with life. Each situation is unique, and every dog in these types of programs are trained to handle all sorts of cases.

PTSD dogs are trained to provide specific help in areas concerning assisting in a medical crisis, helping to cope with emotional overload, providing treatment related assistance and anything related to security of the individual they are protecting. These animals provide a calming effect and a sense of security. It also allows the person a chance to get out for physical exercise that may have a positive effect on their life.

Each dog is individually trained to provide the right care to its owner. If there are emergency situations the dog can alert someone or steer them away. Repetitive behaviors are noticed by the dog and when to take medications. The dog can steer the owner away from stressful situations and provide aid and comfort when the person is not feeling good. All veterans who have undergone traumatic experiences are sometimes frightened in large gatherings, and the dog can make them feel calm and relaxed.

The basic needs that the PTSD dog are helpful for include their calming effect that can lower high blood pressure, reduce serotonin level, help when the owner is going through depression, provide companionship and preventing people from getting too close to the handler. All of these situations make it easier on anyone suffering with PTSD, helping them lead a more normal life.

If you are thinking about getting a PTSD dog for yourself or a loved one there are many programs out there that can help. You can go online and search for the different organizations that specifically train these types of dogs to help you or your loved one cope with life. Nobody should have to go through these stresses in life, and with a PTSD companion animal at your side you can finally feel better about living.


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