Saturday 18 August 2018

My Rescue Dog Was Great for Two Weeks

If you have ever rescued a dog you may have said this exact same thing after you had it 10 - 15 days. However don't be alarmed it's really normal and it does not mean that you got a bad dog, it simply means that it is time to start some training.

This same scenario can happen with humans so let me give you an example. You invite some friends to come spend the week-end at your place. Everything goes well and you hardly know they are there. In fact every morning they make the bed and but up there dirty clothes, perfect.

However the week-end visit turns into a 30 day stay for some reason and everything changes. The guest room is a mess and there are dirty clothes everywhere.

This same thing happens when a new dog comes into your home. They don't know where they are, even though they are grateful for being there. However after a few days they realize that they are here to stay and they started getting sloppy just like those guests.

So how do you fix this dilemma? It's easy, with training. Simply find yourself a great trainer that can come into your home and teach you how to train your dog.

Of course housetraining is a must so be sure to start using a crate and teaching the dog that outside on the grass is the proper place to do its business.

Your trainer will be able to guide you through all the steps to have a well- trained dog that you can take for walks without it dragging you down the street. Walks should be enjoyable and something that you look forward to not dread.

Your trainer can also help with all the other exercises that a well-trained dog should do like sit when you tell it one time. It should also do the down, the sit-stay, the down-stay and even the recall so it comes when you call.

Along with the obedience training your trainer should be able to help you solve any annoying behavior issues like jumping, barking, and maybe even mouthing or chewing that your dog is doing.

Adopting a dog can be very rewarding and with a little effort I think you will have a companion that you will be able to enjoy for many years to come.


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