Wednesday 1 August 2018

A Few Tips To Keep Your Pet Dog From Getting Bloat

We all know what bloating is. It is basically an abnormal accumulation of air in the stomach after having a heavy meal. For us, feeling bloated is just feeling physically uncomfortable, but it is also an inconvenience of our own. However, bloating in dogs is completely different. In fact it is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment and possibly the number one cause of death to many dog breeds. When a dog is bloated, the stomach twists and the dog tries to vomit but it can't expel the air. This is a condition that leads to death if left untreated. 

Symptoms of bloat in these canine friends range from the obvious, a distended abdomen, to the strange, such as aimless pacing, relentless and trying to vomit without positive results. Other signs include; the dog stops moving and labored breathing. In this regard, it is important to learn how to prevent your pet dog from developing bloat. Here are some tips on how to achieve that: 

1. Avoid Grain Based Pet Food 

The digestive tract of a dog is ideal for digesting proteins. Unlike the humans, the dog's gut is very acidic making it very effective in getting rid of pathogenic bacteria but not so much in digesting grains. Wild canines do not feed on grain and it is obviously not a natural food choice for them. So, if you feed your dog processed food, you might be increasing its chances of bloat. So, avoid feeding your pet foods with grain based-formulas. 

2. Feed The Dog The Right Nutrients 

A lack of minerals and vitamins may have a huge effect on digestion and muscle function. Poor digestion can especially lead to GDV and so, it is important to ensure that your pet dog gets plenty of essential nutrients. 

3. Feed The Right Raw Bones 

Feeding the dog lamb or other small raw bones makes its stomach walls stronger which prevents distention. If the dog experiences any gas build-ups, they are easier to move downwards into the tract or burp out when the stomach muscles are strong. Feeding the pet bones is one of the most important steps to preventing bloat. 

In conclusion, on the basis of my observation, I believe that feeding non-processed food, providing essential nutrients and raw bones is the best way to prevent GDV on your dog.


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