Tuesday 21 August 2018

Mange May Not Seem Like A Big Deal

Discovering that your dog has mange is easy to do. There are a lot of physical cues. The first sign of mange is dry and itchy skin. This is usually accompanied by fur loss. A rash is likely to occur along with crust formation as well. This skin rash may not seem like a big deal. Many owners feel that way until they catch it themselves. Mange is highly contagious.

Quarantine Your Pet!

Pets that have been effected by mange need to be separated from people and animals that are unaffected. Upon the discovery that your dog has mange, you should warn everyone in the house not to pet her. Mange is caught by skin to skin contact.

If you have already caught your dogs mange, it's time to visit a doctor. Mange is perfectly treatable in humans as well as dogs. The treatment is normally topical.

Treatments For Mange

Oral medications can also be used for treatment. But, most owners are given special shampoo to kill the mites that are attacking their dog's skin. The drug in this medicated shampoo is most commonly scabacide. Some forms of mange are harder to treat. In cases such as these it's possible that invermectin or doramectin will be used.

Since most mange medications are only capable of killing the actual bug, and not the egg, you should be sure to follow your vets directions about how often to apply the shampoo. Treatment may be everyday or every week. This depends on the vet and severity of condition.

When Will Results Be Seen?

Complete treatment for the animal may take four to six weeks. The amount of time it takes to clear up largely depends on how regularly you administer treatment. Responsible pet owners have healthy pets.

There's nothing you can do to prevent mange. Be sure to understand that it has nothing to do with how clean you keep your house or how often you bath your dog. Dogs suffer from mange indiscriminately. Luckily, it can be cleared up with treatment.

Keep Your Dog Comfortable

Dogs who have mange are uncomfortable and itchy all day long. If you had this skin condition, you'd want treatment too. Make sure you take them to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect they may have mange. Until you can, keep them away from the rest of the household.


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