Sunday 5 August 2018

The Top 3 Tips When Adopting A Dog

When it comes to getting a dog, there is nothing more rewarding than adopting. However, many people don't use the top 3 tips when adopting a dog in mind and find themselves frustrated from the very beginning. Instead of helping the dog, and themselves, settle into a new life, they end up fighting against the dog and reaching the end of their rope rather quickly.

1. The dog doesn't know the rules of the house, where they are, or what is expected of them. As the owner, it is important to set down these rules, follow them carefully, and make sure the dog is rewarded when they follow them. Dogs who are confused or don't feel at home will often act out leading to property damage, or a dog that seems to never obey. Making sure that they feel comfortable and know they are welcome will go a long way.

2. Reward, don't punish the dog. While many people will say to punish an animal when they do something wrong, usually this just leads to them being confused. Putting them in their crate when they act up is okay, but hitting them and yelling rarely solves any issues. Instead, be on the lookout for the behavior you want and be sure to reward it as it happen.

Rewarding instantly like this will make the dog realize they have done something good and is most likely to make them behave that way in the future.

3. Finally, be consistent. Take the pooch out every few hours to potty, put them away at the same time every night, feed them in the same space, and keep the same rules. This lets them know they are safe and loved. It can also help when training because they know exactly what to expect. Canines like to know what they need to do and that they are doing it well, being consistent is the best way to ensure that they are going to be a loyal and faithful animal for years to come.

Sticking to these 3 tips when adopting a dog can help them fit in better in your home. It can also relieve the stress of bringing a new animal into the home and make it easier on you as well. Helping them feel safe and you feeling like boundaries are being followed can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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