Wednesday 1 August 2018

Canine Massage Is A Great Idea

It may seem silly to some the things we do for our pets. But we care about them and want them to be healthy and happy. There are great lengths people go to ensure the best healthcare for their dog.

Canine massage may sound ridiculous, but it is truly effective. If we as humans love massage and see the great benefit of it for our bodies, why is it so crazy to think our dogs may benefit from it too? Have you ever noticed how much a dog enjoys a good rub down at home?

When you take your dog in for a massage, their muscles are stretched increasing flexibility and encouraging them to relax. Through this the therapist is able to detect any other health concerns like growths, or inflammation or pain that indicates an injury. This happens to be a great way for the therapist and the dog to bond through touch.

Just like in humans, massage increases circulation, which improves oxygenation. The more oxygen in the blood the faster the metabolism, which enhances performance and simulates anesthesia which results in a shorter recuperation period. This is very important for older dogs and ones who are recovering from an injury. So many older dogs have unsteadily come into a massage facility and left trotting out like puppies.

Through massage, the therapist gently manipulates soft tissue of the dog's body, which reduces any accumulation of fibrous skin adhesions from inflammation by strained muscles or wounds. These adhesions can make your dog stiff and sore, making them not able to move as easily. For older dogs, massage can help with arthritis, muscle cramps, disc disease, stiffness and torn ligaments.

Massage therapy focuses on the dogs stress points in order to achieve relaxation, lymphatic drainage, and stimulation when their endorphins are increased. This can be really helpful if your dog is used for sports. Massage, just like a human athlete, will warm their muscles up, increase the blood flow, and reach the desired result.

The benefits of giving your dog a massage are too many to count, and truly unknown to you until the massage has been received. So, as silly as it may sound to many, don't hesitate to try this natural and wonderful way to treat your dog. If we as humans acknowledge how much better we feel after a massage, don't dismiss that your dog could receive the exact same benefit.


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