Saturday 4 August 2018

How You Can Make Agility Training Fun for Your Dog

When people try to train their pets, they often run into one pesky problem. They can't find a way to make training techniques like agility training anything but boring. Their pet loses interest, which makes the process of training them all the harder.

One of the things you should keep in mind is that training is often more effective when it's done in small doses. While it's true that you need to repeat things a lot for your dog to learn something, you can repeat things over a long period of time; you don't have to do it all at once.

Your goal should be to try to stop your training session before your dog ever has a chance to get bored. Keep them engaged from start to finish. Even though you'll spend less time training, you'll be able to make more progress overall.

You should also make sure that your dog is always being rewarded at the end of the training session. It shouldn't feel like work to your pet; they should feel as though they're getting something out of the process. If they are, they'll enjoy it much more.

Try not to make things confusing for your dog. Let them master one task before you move onto the next one. You want to make sure that your dog feels like they're doing a good job. If they can't understand what you want out of them, they won't enjoy their training session at all.

Make sure that your dog is rewarded at the end of the session even if they struggle with your commands. You don't want your dog to feel like a failure. You should always reward progress. Little by little, you'll see your dog start to get better at whatever it is that you're trying to get them to do.

If you see that your dog seems distressed or upset, it's okay to stop the training session to figure out what's wrong. You shouldn't feel like you have to push your dog no matter what. Sometimes simply relocating is enough to address the problem.

As you can see, there are all kinds of things you can do to make agility training more fun for your dog. Training isn't always easy, but that doesn't mean it can't be entertaining and rewarding. You just have to make sure you do things right.


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