Wednesday 29 August 2018

Want to Learn How to Train a Dog? Simple But Important Dog Training Techniques

Learning how to train a dog by using tested dog training techniques is the focus of many dog owners. Let us begin by considering why you should train your dog. The reasons can be many but I have listed a few major ones here:

1) A well-trained dog is loved and cared for. 
2) Its safety and your safety depend on it being well trained. 
3) For the safety of your family and friends also it is essential that the dog is well trained.

It is essential to train the dog to behave properly and also ensure that it is obedient. Often people who have newly acquired a dog do tend to worry a little with the process. The first thing you need to teach a puppy is potty training. Dog house training is also the next important thing in a good dog training program.

Dog crate training is also essential to cure them of chewing habits which leads to chewing anything that they find lying around the house.

This finally leads to potty training and training the dog to be obedient.

In your how to train a dog program (assuming you adopt a formal regimen) remember leash training is also very important. Leash training actually forms an intrinsic part of obedience training. When it comes to behavioral training, incentive based dog training techniques yield better results than punishment based.

Make sure you use reinforcements as a way to reward an expected behavior rather than punishment. While training a dog patience is very important as each dog has its own behavioral patterns while some pick up things fast others resist any kind of training program.

Make sure you have reinforcement like some food items or patting if a dog does as it is told.

A dog that is too aggressive or very jumpy will need to be trained to behave, however do not scold too much, ensure the dog knows what is not acceptable behavior and may lead to punishment or scolding, but do not be too harsh.

It is essential to take the breed of the dog into account when training as that plays a major factor in determining how fast or slow your dog will react to certain instructions.

Make sure you do not ignore or indulge any behavior problem even though your dog may be a small puppy. This will in the long run lead to the dog considering that behavior as acceptable.

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