Tuesday 7 August 2018

The Top Four Simple Dog Training Tips

Dogs are wonderful pets and they can be extraordinary in so many ways. Most people get their dogs when they are pretty young and train them slowly to behave as they wish. Training a dog needs patience and a lot of a time, something that is quite difficult for most people. There are several dog training techniques but a common one is repetition. You would be required to repeat an action many times and even take measures necessary to reinforce it so as to have your dog responding correctly.

According to research, it may take between sixty to three hundred repetitions before you can have your dog well trained and able to respond as you want. This would of course depend on how much time you put in training as well as the breed of your dog. Some dogs learn faster than others. In spite of these variations however, here are four top tips that will guide you when training your dog;


Always listen to your dog, monitor how they respond to people and to other animals. If they seem uncomfortable around new people, do not force them to greet them. They might get aggressive if they are uncomfortable.


When training your dog it is very important to pay attention to emotional aspects. For instance, when your dog does something wrong don't be so quick to punish it if you do not apply the same reaction when they do something right. If your dog does things right, be generous with your praise and commend them for doing things correctly.


It is very important that you take control and be the one to instruct your dog. It is not wrong to say no or yes when necessary. This is however not as effective as telling your dog what to do instead of a simple 'no' which will not tell them what they should have done otherwise.


Have the same instructions across the family. Let your whole family be involved in training so that the same instructions are given instead of giving contradicting instructions for similar actions. For instance, if your dog sits on the couch and one person says 'off', another 'down' while another just cuddles them on the same couch, they will never be able to learn how they should behave.

Train your dog while it is young and you will have a dog that you can enjoy for many years.


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