Tuesday 21 August 2018

Facts About the Dalmatian

The Dalmatian, or "dal" as his fans call him, is the most recognized breed of dog in the world. This is due to his spots. He is, in fact, the only dog breed to have spots.

Many people recognize this breed as the star of the Disney move, "101 Dalmatians." Many other people recognize the breed as a fireman's best friend. However, this human companion has also held the position of hunter, coach dog and circus dog.

Dalmatians, although being the only spotted dog breed, are born without their spots. They are born with plain white coats, which starts to develop spots about two weeks after birth. The spots continue to appear in greater numbers as the dog grows.

In Romania, the breed is favored by gypsies. Historically, they have been fond of letting the dal travel with them, and the Romanian gypsies are known for travelling frequently. The dog is also an excellent, energetic runner. This is believed to be because the Dalmatian had to keep up with carriages drawn by horses. They could only keep up if they could run quickly.

As it turns out, Dalmatians have had a long history of being around horses. For this reason, this breed is still very fond of horses and makes a good companion for them as well as for people. He will almost be able to be as close to a horse as to his human master.

If you own horses and ride trails, take the dal with you. He will not only be able to keep up with the horse, he will enjoy his time with both of you a great deal.

When a person decides to adopt or otherwise take in a Dalmatian, it is important for that person to be aware that the breed is very sensitive. It is recommended that a person train them with a gentle method that praises positive behavior. If a Dalmatian is ever mistreated, it is said that the dog will never forget being slighted.

Another thing to be aware of is that about 12 percent of dals are deaf. Some dals can only hear in one ear. You need to have patience and energy when you are parenting a Dalmatian. They need lots of exercise and do best with active owners who can give them lots of outdoor time. They are a very active breed with energy to spare.


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