Tuesday 14 August 2018

What To Look For In A Good Dog Sitter

There's no question that your dog is your best friend, so when you are looking for someone to take care of him or her in your absence you naturally want someone sensible, trustworthy and knowledgeable of dogs.

It is very unfortunate that animal care services often attract people who should have nothing to do with animals. For this reason, you must be very careful when selecting someone to spend time alone with your canine family member. In this article, we will discuss some of the qualities you should look for in a good dog sitter. Read on to learn more.

A Clean Background Check!

You should have applicants for your dog sitting position fill out applications just as if they were applying for a full-time job. Once you have sorted through the applicants and chosen a few, be sure to run a complete background check on each one to make sure there is no history of animal abuse or any other criminal history. You need to be sure that the person you are considering has no history of criminal behavior.

Verifiable References

Require that applicants for your position provide you with at least three verifiable references from responsible people. Be sure to follow through and verify all references provided.

Common Sense & Knowledge Of Dogs
Any person you hire should be sensible and should strike you as capable of interacting with others and handling emergencies effectively. This person will be out in the world with your dog, and you want to be sure that he or she knows how to handle your dog effectively on leash and how to interact effectively with people whom they encounter.

In the event of an emergency or an accident, the person should have enough common sense to contact you and the correct emergency personnel and handle the situation free from hysteria.

Must Love Dogs!

Talk with the person you are considering about his or her history with dogs. Ask for stories and examples of the experiences the person has had. Listen carefully and trust your gut feelings in judging the person's emotional involvement and genuine concern regarding dogs. You should be able to get a good sense of a person who actually and genuinely cares about dogs and will provide good supervision and interaction.

You Are Choosing A Family Member

When selecting a dog sitter, you must keep in mind that you are essentially adding another new member to your family. Your dog is your best friend and an important family member. Anyone you choose to take care of him or her must fit in well with you, your family and your situation.

When you take the time to perform thorough interviews, do background checks, check references and trust your gut you should be able to find just the right person to help you with your dog.


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