Friday 17 August 2018

How To Assist Your Deaf Dog

As your dog gets older, the chances of it losing its hearing is very high. This will affect you, but the dog will also be devastated since it cannot understand what is going on. This makes it difficult for your pet to function normally.

When the dog is going through the hearing loss, you might think that it is ignoring you. When you notice that the ears are not moving or twitching, you should know that something is wrong with its ears.

You can switch your usual commands to hand gestures. You will do this when you notice that it is not responding to your normal talking. Make sure you use your hands to signal when communicating whatever you want to the dogs. Eventually, the dog will understand what you are trying to say, and this will make it more comfortable with the situation.

Always ensure you have secured the dog with a fence when at home. This will keep the dog from being hit by motorists since it is unable to hear cars anymore. It is important to ensure it has the leash on when going outside to keep it under control and safe.

It is necessary to have some sign to let the dog you are home. This could be through switching on the lights or touching him gently to keep it calm especially if you have not been around. It is vital to alert the dog if you intend to leave the room so that it can be comfortable knowing where you are. At these times, they are sensitive, and they need to be assured that you still care.

Although it is good to alert it when you enter the room, it is also fine if you keep touching it from time to time. When it notices the touches, you should reward your pet.

It is alright to give the dog treats after an achievement. Since it cannot hear, compensate this by giving him the best treat together with physical touches.

When your dog goes deaf, that does not mean the end of the world. All you need to do is to make it more comfortable by putting much effort into the physical attention and love. Be patient for it might take some time for it to get back to normal but eventually it will live a full life just like the rest.


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