Friday 17 August 2018

Submissive Urination And How To Stop It

Submissive urination can be a real problem for many dog owners and they want to know how to stop it. You usually see it more in young puppies than older dogs and my experience has shown that it happens more often with female puppies than males.

Before we get started let me tell you that if you are experiencing this problem with your pup that usually they will outgrow it by the time they are 2 years old. But who wants to wait that long? Not me.

First thing to do is to make sure that the puppy is getting plenty of socialization with new people, kids, other dogs and different locations away from your home. We want to build the dogs confidence as much as possible.

Next make sure that nobody in the family is being too strict, rough or loud with the dog. We don't need the dog to be intimidated by somebody that is trying to dominate it.

Over the years I have actually rescued several dogs from owners that just could not handle the submissive urination any longer and wanted to rehome their dog. Here is the funny part. Within 24 hours each of these dogs no longer exhibited the problem.

How did you do that you ask? Easy, I treated the dog well, no yelling or intimidation. But here is the part that I feel actually did the trick. Are you ready for the answer?


That's right no baby talk. In each of these homes to compensate for the fact that the dog was submissive, these dog owners did a bunch of baby talk. Heck, I think the baby talk actually helped and maybe even created the submissive urination.

So from the moment I took these dogs in, no baby talk. I spoke in my regular voice which for some people is usually a little on the loud side. I told anybody and everybody that we had contact with on walks, in the house or even at the pet store to please ignore my dog. The purpose of that was to eliminate that sweet baby talk that so many people use with puppies and young dogs.

All of these dogs after obedience training went on to be great pets for their new families with no recurrence of the submissive urination.

One question that I am often asked is how old were these dogs. They were all between 4 months and 2 years of age. So if your puppy or dog is having a submissive urination problem follow the simple steps above for some quick results.


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