Saturday 11 August 2018

Is A Border Collie A Good Pet For Kids?

If you have children in your home, you're going to want to be very careful about the dog you choose. Different breeds of dogs have very different temperaments, and you'll have to show some caution if you want to find a dog that's kid-friendly.

One breed that a lot of families consider are border collies. This breed is known for its beautiful appearance, and has been seen in many films and television shows. But is it a good choice for a family with kids? That all depends on what it is you're looking for.

Border collies have been bred as herding animals for generations. Because of this, they often see children as sheep and try to herd them. If a child darts off across the living room, the dog might try to cut them off and keep them from escaping.

For some families with children, this isn't a problem. However, there are some children out there who scare easily, and may become frightened when they see their dog behaving in such an aggressive way. If your child tends to be nervous or anxious around dogs, it's possible that a border collie isn't a good choice for you.

Some people who want to own a collie think that they can simply train their dog and teach it not to herd their children. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. It's part of the dog's instinct, and they are always going to have that instinct there.

With that said, this only tends to be a problem when you have younger, more active children in the household. Collies don't tend to see older children in the same way, and because of that, they aren't likely to have issues with them. They can be a great family dog for older kids.

Take the time to research border collies and find out as much as you can about them before you bring one in your home. You don't want to have to re-home your dog at a later time. You want a dog that will be able to become a member of your family.

Border collies can be excellent family pets, but they can cause problems too. Make sure you're aware of any and all potential issues so that you can make an informed decision. Your family deserves a dog that they'll be happy with, and your future dog deserves a great home.


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