A Beagle is one of the friendliest and most lovable breeds available to people who wish to own a canine companion. While it can be simple enough to care for a dog, it is necessary to have a strong understanding of the animal in order for this care to be effective. This article will provide a brief guide to the dog known as a beagle. It will provide some of the most common facts about this breed, thus ensuring that you will make an informed decision when purchasing a beagle.
1. The Beagle's Temperament
Beagles are one of the mildest tempered dogs in existence. They are not highly aggressive or apprehensive and make the ideal companion for children or older adults. The beagle is a trustful dog with an amicable and inquisitive personality. They are highly compassionate and slightly frisky; therefore if you are considering a beagle you should be a person who enjoys regular activity.2. The Beagle And Its Sense Of Smell
Traditionally beagles were used as hunting dogs in early nineteenth British society. It was in the late 1800s that this lovable breed made its way across to the United States of America. While the beagle does not have the exact same physical appearance as its predecessors, it does have the same strong sense of smell. The beagle has approximately 200 million smell receptors whereas humans only have 5 million. This heightened sense of smell has made the beagle a very skilled police dog being used to detect drugs among potential drug traffickers.
3. The Beagle And Their Grooming
The coat of the beagle is short to medium length, thus they do not require frequent or daily grooming. To maintain a luscious beagle coat the animal must receive a brushing every few days. When brushing the coat one should utilize a thick brush that is able to remove any tangles from the hair. Despite requiring only minimal grooming, it is necessary to wash the dog when required.
4. The Beagle And Its Food
Beagles enjoy eating a great deal and can become slightly protective of their food. It has been noted that the beagle will eat until it is 'able to pop', and then will eat some more. To avoid the chance of obesity make sure that you stick to a sensible feeding schedule and feeding plan. It should be noted that beagles are able to locate snacks in the house and you should keep all food out of its grasp.
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