Friday 31 August 2018

The Perfect Dog Breeds For Apartment Dwellers

A lot of people from all over the globe are fond of owning a pet dog. Sadly, if you live in an apartment, there are certain breeds that you simply cannot bring in. Now, this article will help you to find the perfect dog breed for you and one that can live in an apartment with ease.

The following is a list of the perfect dog breed for apartment dwellers:

The Cocker Spaniel - They are known to have curly hair and they are also known to have sad looking eyes. The Cocker Spaniels will definitely like living in an apartment. They are easy to maintain and need minimum exercise only. They can sleep or lounge on your sofa all day and can wait for their master all day if they want to.

The Italian Greyhound - They look just like the big Greyhounds. They weigh about 10 pounds only. They are quite intelligent and easy to teach. They like to run and chase as long as they can, and then again they are known to enjoy sleeping on a sofa.

The Pug - They are famous for being small and cute. They weigh around 10 to 25 pounds only. They are perfect for apartment dwellers as they are compact and small in size. They have short hair coat and they are known to be caring and loving. With a little walking here and there, they will be happy.

The Schipperke - Sadly, not a lot of people knows about this breed. But this breed is known to be perfect for apartment dwellers. The Schipperke is tiny and with no tail, they usually weigh around 10 to 18 pounds. They need a daily dose of exercise since they are an active breed.

The Schnauzer - They can be found in miniature or standard sizes. They are known to be perfect for apartment dwellers. They do require daily grooming, and the Schnauzers are known to be protective of their masters.

The Scottish terrier - It is known as a working dog breed. The Scottish terrier weighs about 15 to 20 pounds. They are intelligent and they have to exercise on a daily basis. They are tough and compact in built; they are known to be protective of their owners and they are loyal as well.

The Whippet - They resemble the Greyhounds in features and in looks, but they are in moderate size. They are fond of running around any track and cuddling with their owners is one of their beloved activities. They are known to be faithful and loyal to their masters.

The Welsh Corgi - They are known to weigh about 25 pounds, and they are one of the most popular dog breeds for pets. They are stocky in build and with a short tail. They need lots of exercise on a daily basis as well. They are quite perfect for apartment dwellers.

These are a few of the perfect dog breeds for apartment dwellers.


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