Sunday 12 August 2018

Should You Train Your Dog Using Treats

When it comes to dog training, there are a lot of mixed opinions. Some people say that the best way to train a dog is by using treats. They believe that it's important to show a dog that they will be rewarded for good behavior.

Other people see dog treats as bribes. They believe that a dog trained with treats will only behave because of the bribe they are being given. Because they see the food as a bribe, the dog will not behave if they are not given a treat in the future. But is this true?

Many experts say that the idea that a dog will refuse to perform without a treat is a myth. They say that dogs will work to behave well because of their desire to please their owner. Any treats that they might be given are simply an added incentive.

With that said, owners should try to be careful when they use treats. One important thing is for owners to make sure they don't show their dog the treat beforehand. They should only provide the dog with the treat after they've demonstrated the correct behavior, and it should be kept out of sight until then.

Even if you train your dogs using treats, your dog is really working for praise. As long as you don't show your dog the treat beforehand, they'll simply see it as part of the praise you're bestowing upon them. It will help you to foster a good relationship.

With that said, you shouldn't feel as though you have to use treats if you don't want to. A lot of people have been able to successfully train dogs without using any kind of treats at all. The choice is really up to you.

Think about how you want to train your dogs and decide whether or not treats are something that you want to use. You can have a well-trained dog whether or not you use treats, so it really comes down to your personal preference and the personality of your individual dog.

At the end of the day, the things that are most important are consistency and hard work. If you put in the effort to properly train your dog, you'll have a well-trained pet, no matter what kind of methods you use. Look at all the information out there and make the choice that's right for you.


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