Sunday 19 August 2018

5 Things You Should Not Do With Your Dog

When people get their new dog they are always hearing things that they should do and sometimes must do to have a well-behaved dog. I decided in this article to go a different direction and tell you a few things that you should NOT DO with your dog.

Before we get started let me say that some of you might say that the things I am talking about are not a problem with your dog. Consider yourself lucky. These are all things that can cause huge problems for the majority of dogs.

1. The first thing you should not do is allow your dog in your bed. There all types of behavior issues that can popup because of this habit including what we call aggression in the home. Putting your dog in your bed makes it an equal and that is not good for you as the pack leader.

2. Tug of war is not a game that you should play with a dog, especially children. You see in tug of war somebody wins. Most dog owners allow the dog to be the winner by releasing the tug toy. That teaches the dog that it can beat you and that does not help your ranking in the pack.

3. No people food is another thing not to do. Giving your dog treats from the table can create a really troublesome habit that you will wish you never started. If you want to give your dog some good food from your plate do it after you eat by placing the food in the dogs bowl.

4. Do not, never, allow your dog in an unprotected environment without a leash. There have been many great, WELL TRAINED, dogs that get hit by a car when they are out without a leash and see a squirrel or rabbit. Yes, their prey drive is so intense that they cannot resist chasing the creature and not seeing that car.

5. Do not allow your dog to show any aggression as a puppy. That cute puppy growl will grow into full-blown aggression because your dog feels that is what you want. It assumes that if you did not want it you would have made them stop.

Of course, there are a bunch of other things you should not do with your dog however these 5 things will get you started with your dog. Keep in mind that every dog needs to be trained well and must be properly socialized for a happy life for both of you.


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