Thursday 26 April 2018

5 Dog Training Tips

There are several different things about dog training that are just real and should always be done if you want a well behaved and well-adjusted dog. We are going to talk about what I think are 5 of the most important dog training tips.

1. Repetition

Dog learn by repetition so it is very important that you repeat things over and over so that they catch on. If you stop and think about that statement for a minute it will actually make sense because it is the same for humans. The more we do a particular task the better we get at it, hopefully. Well it is the same for a dog.

2. Patience

To be able to train a dog you need a bunch of this one. Yes you just can't lose your patience with a dog because they don't understand and quite often will simply shut down. They are really good at reading your body language and your tone of voice so don't lose your patience.

3. Time

Your dog needs time with you. A dog that lives in the backyard and gets very little or no human contact daily is always going to be a problem dog. Your dog needs your time. It needs to know that you care about it so show that you care by spending time and playing with your dog so that you develop a great relationship.

4. Exercise

Dogs need exercise. In fact I have always said that a trained dog is a happy dog and an exhausted dog is even happier. If you want a happy dog make sure that it gets plenty of exercise. Go for long walks, go swimming or even retrieve a ball anything to get your dog up and moving. Actually it will be good for both of you.

5. Health Care

This is an important part of the agreement you have with your dog. You need to take care of all it's health needs by giving it routine vet check-ups as well as keeping it current on all vaccinations and heartworm medication. Keep in mind that most likely at some point in your dogs life there will be a major illness or injury that you will need to plan for now by putting a little bit a way each month into your dogs health savings account so that you will be prepared. Another maybe easier option is to by some doggy health insurance.

Keep in mind that you simply will not have a well-trained dog if it isn't well.

If you will follow these dog training tips I think that you will have a well trained happy dog that will want to do whatever it takes to make you happy.


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