Monday 23 April 2018

Pit Bulls Are An Excellent Choice For People Who Understand Dogs

Pit bulls have gotten a bad name because of late they have become popular with bad people. People who want to fight dogs have exploited one breed of dog after another for centuries. Within the last sixty years or so, we have seen these people ruin the reputation of German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers and now Pit Bulls.

The fact is, for a dog to be willing and able to be a fighting dog, it must be a very loyal, intelligent dog who will do absolutely anything to please its master. Meanness has nothing to do with it. It is eagerness to please that pre-disposes a dog to do something entirely foreign to its nature. Little do these loyal dogs know that if they lose the fights they are forced to fight, they will be killed or abandoned by the masters to whom they have tried to be loyal.

The dog that is commonly known as a Pit Bull started out as a "nanny dog" in England. This type of dog was bred to be loyal and protective of the children they were intended to watch over. They were trustworthy dogs that could always be depended upon. Unfortunately, the breed has been compromised by poor breeding practices and abuse.

Today shelters are overrun with Pit Bull type dogs. Most have been victims of abuse and/or neglect. It used to be thought that these dogs could not be rehabilitated, but now this belief is known to be false. These dogs are highly trainable and eager to please; however, it is best that they be placed with people who really understand dogs and know something about compassionate training.

Pit Bull types are active, strong-willed dogs. They need to know that the person who is in control is actually competent. They respond best to consistent, compassionate training techniques, and they need to be active.

If you are seeking a dog at a shelter, you should certainly give the pit bulls a chance. Most of them are gentle and trainable and will make a wonderful life companion for an active man or woman who is able and willing to participate in proper training and obedience classes.

The same goes for families with teens and older children. The right  Pit Bull can be the perfect pet for a family. As long as you can provide consistent, correct training and activity on a regular ongoing basis, you should not have any significant problems.

If you are looking for a dog that will lie around and not want to do much, a Pit Bull is probably not the right dog for you. When looking at dogs to adopt, be sure you take your time at the shelter. Visit with the dogs you have in mind and handle them. Make sure all members of your family meet the dogs you are considering. By taking care in selection and following through with good training and ample activity, you will surely have a successful match.


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