Saturday 7 April 2018

Stop Your Dog From Jumping On You The Easy Way

This is probably one of the most asked behavior problems. The good thing is that it can easily be fixed with very little effort in less than 24 hours. Let me tell you how and then go give it a try.

I have seen so many different methods used to stop a dog from jumping over my years as a trainer. Most of them I didn't care for. Most of them took a long time to start working and a bunch of them did not work at all.

The technique that I am going to show you has never failed, never! I have taught this method to young children and to 87 year old women that were tired of being jumped on and knocked down on a regular basis.

Start off with a small spray bottle that has an adjustable nozzle so you can create a straight stream like a water pistol. Fill the bottle with plain cool water. Now let the dog in or release it from its crate. As the dog comes to you and starts to jump simply give the "NO JUMP" command and spray it in the face 2 times.

Most dogs will hate this technique and that's good because that is what we want. We want the dog to dislike the water bottle so much that it will not jump. The great part of this entire method is that it is so easy, doesn't hurt the dog and works so quickly.

If you will keep a bottle with you for a few days you will see that the dog has quit jumping. Do I have to keep a bottle with me forever you ask? Absolutely not after a few days or maybe even a couple of week the jumping will be gone. We just used this technique to do some behavior modification and solve the jumping problem the easy way. Try it you will love it.

By the way the water bottle can be used for other bad behaviors as well. It is very effective for barking, counter surfing and it works well when the dog shows aggression while you are on a walk.

Please realize that the water bottle trick is simply a way to quickly control a bad habit but it should never be considered a complete training program. Take the time to train your dog properly so that you have a best friend that you can enjoy for a long time.


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