Tuesday 24 April 2018

Stop My Puppy From Biting My Hands

There is nothing more exciting or as much fun as getting a new puppy. However along with the excitement comes some things that are not as much fun. Yes it is a fact that having your puppy biting at your hands, arms and feet is really annoying and also painful. Let's talk about what you can do to eliminate the problem before you are scared for life.

Yes, those little teeth are sometimes described as being as sharp as needles and as painful as razor blades. I have had clients whose hands and arms have literally been cut, scratched and scared.

So now, how do we solve this problem? You have probably been given solutions by your vet, friends, family and you have even read some solutions on the internet or in books. Did they work? I guess not because you wouldn't be reading this article if the problem has already been eliminated.

You may be like a recent person that said her little 10 week old puppy was biting her in the face and doing the same to her kids. Do you see what the problem is here? Why do they have their faces down to the puppies level? If you give a puppy an opportunity it will take advantage of the situation. So keep your face up and away from the pup.

You have probably been told that when your dog bites at you give it one of it's toys. Did that work? I bet it did for a minute but then it is right back to you. It's almost as if you tasted good.


Let's fix it so you don't taste good. Do you bite on food that tastes bad? Absolutely not. Well either will your puppy. Are you ready for the secret to solve the puppy biting problem? Here it is.

Grannick Bitter Apple

For those of you that say I tried bitter apple and it didn't work. I can assure you that you didn't use the GRANNICKS brand or you didn't use it correctly.

Buy the small bottle so you can keep it with you easily in your pocket or close to wherever you are with the dog. When it mouths or bites at your hand, grab the bottle without saying a word. Spray a generous amount on your hand and give it back to the dog. You will see that look of disgust on it's face. It is saying "oh my gosh why do you taste so bad".

This is such and easy no confrontation type of trick to keep your dog from biting you. You can use the spray wherever you need it, even on your shoes or your legs.

I have never seen a dog go past one bottle of GRANNICKS before this painful behavior disappeared forever. Get a bottle at any pet store and give it a try.


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