Tuesday 24 April 2018

Should I Use A Bark Collar On My Dog?

Is your dog making a racket in the backyard and bothering you as well as every neighbor within hearing distance? If so it sounds like you need to do something to make the barking go away and fast, before somebody calls the law.

Dogs bark, that's how they communicate with us and with each other. In fact most dog owners don't mind a bit of barking to get our attention, to tell us somebody is outside or to warn us of danger. However none of us want a dog that barks constantly.

In some communities your barking dog can get you a ticket and even a very large fine. If you live in an apartment a barking dog may get you served with an eviction notice. So how do we control the barking.

The quickest sure fire way to get the barking under control before you get yourself fined and / or homeless is to use a bark collar. If you select the right collar you can get almost instant results. When it comes to bark collars you have choices.

There are several different types of bark collars so lets talk about them so you can get an idea of what you should be able to expect from each one.
Citronella Collar
First we have the citronella collar. When your dog barks it get a blast of citronella in the nose. Most dogs don't like the smell and the idea is that they quit barking to avoid the smell. Unfortunately they are not the greatest when it comes to working well. It seems that most people say it just did not work with their dog.
The second collar to talk about is the ultrasonic collar. This one make a noise that the dog can hear but you can't. The noise is a high pitched noise that most dogs prefer to avoid. Again works with some dog and not with others.

The third collar is the vibrating
Bark Collar
collar. It actually vibrates on the dog and distracts it from the barking. Dog owners like this collar because their is no discomfort to the dog merely a distracting vibration. This collar is definitely worth a try.
Bark Collar
The final collar is the bark collar we are all familiar with, the one that causes a very mild static shock. Before we go on let me explain that it isn't as bad as it sounds however it is very effective. These collars can be programmed at different levels of stimulation and most allow a couple of barks before they activate. These collars are very effective. In fact if you are facing a large fine or life on the street this is the one I would go for.

I hope this information gives you some ideas about what you feel would be best for your dog and it's barking problems. Don't forget there is always doggie day care while you are gone during the day!


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