Monday 2 April 2018

Why Does My Dog Dig Holes in The Backyard?

This is a really good question and it's actually a question that I'm asked quite often. Having a dog create craters in your backyard is not only unsightly but it's annoying as well. Let's talk about some of the reasons that your dog might be digging holes in your backyard. 

There are actually four different reasons why your dog might be digging holes in the backyard let's start off with reason number one. 

1. To get out 

Yes, dogs will dig holes in the backyard along the fence line trying to get out. Why? Maybe it's to get to another dog that it wants to play with and maybe it's just to go explore the neighborhood. But no matter how you look at it when your dog escapes from your backyard it is in real danger of being run over by a car or getting lost and not being able to find its way home. 

2. To find a cool spot 

If it is summertime and the holes are under the tree or somewhere where it shady it's a good chance that your dog is simply digging a hole trying to find some cool dirt to lay on. It's hot so he wants to keep cool and what better way to do it? 

3. It smells something underground 

If you live in a part of the country where there are underground creatures like moles then your dog may be actually digging trying to capture one of those little creatures. Yes your dog can not only smell them but he can probably hear them digging underground and what better way to spend an afternoon than digging and trying to capture one. 

4. Because it's fun 

This is probably the most common reason that dogs dig in the backyard. They did it last week and really enjoyed it so why not do it again. In fact digging a hole can be quite enjoyable because your dog gets all kinds of little smells from all those creatures underground. So yes, it can just become a habit. 

Those or the main reasons that your dog digs up your backyard however there are a few other things that you need to consider. If your dog is digging out of boredom and spends a lot of time in the backyard try creating what I call a doggie play area. Simply install some things that he can play with for example maybe a swinging tire or some type of toy that's attached to a bungee cord and then attached to your fence so when he pulls it pulls back. 

Try giving your dog something else to do besides digging so that you can give your yard some much needed relief.


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