Thursday 26 April 2018

Are Dog Training Head Halters Effective?

Let's take a few minutes and see if we can answer that simple question. There are those dog owners and trainers that speak highly of head halters and then there is another group that doesn't care for them at all. Let's see if we can give you enough information to make the right decision for you and your dog.

There are several halter options on the market. I think the one that you will like the best and trust the most is the "Halti". The reason I say you will like it the best is because of a simple little strap that actually allows you to attach your leash to the halter but at the same time have it connected to the dogs collar.
One complaint that I hear quite often is that the halter comes off the dogs head and there goes the dog. With the Halti, that little strap keeps that from happening. If the halter comes off you still have the dog by the collar.

So now that we have safety out of the way let's talk about what a halter can do for you and your dog. Is your dog dragging you down the street and you actually have no control? Then a halter may be right for you until you can get the dog properly trained to walk nicely on a leash and collar.
Are you a senior citizen and simply do not have the strength to hold on to a dog that is pulling? Then a halter is for you.

Does your dog show uncontrollable aggression towards other dogs or people when out on a walk? Then a halter will help maintain control until you can solve the aggression issue.

Head halters can help with all these issues. However if you are strong enough to control your dog and want to teach your dog to walk nicely at your side on a loose leash then forgo the halter and find a good trainer that can teach you and your dog how it is done.

I think the major drawback for a halter is that dog owners do not realize that you could use it for the next 5 years. Take it off and put on a collar and the dog will pull like crazy again. A halter does not teach or train the dog it simply controls it for the moment.

If you need this for a quick fix halters are available however if you want a nicely trained dog that walks at your side there is no substitution for good training.


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