Sunday 8 April 2018

Why Does My Dog Lick So Much?

Dogs lick for many different reasons. Usually licking is not something to be concerned about however if the licking becomes obsessive then you may need to take a closer look at what the cause of the licking may be.

To start off with let me say that dogs lick. It is a natural thing for a dog and they learn it early in life when they learn to lick their mother to get fed. Pups also learn that mom licks them to clean and groom them when they are very young.

Excessive licking can be brought on by several different things. Let's talk about some of the things that can cause licking to seem out of the ordinary.

Nausea can be a cause for licking. If you see your dog licking the carpet or upholstery it may be a bit nauseated and is trying to calm its stomach.

It can also be caused by a compulsive disorder. Dogs can have compulsive disorders just like humans and it can manifest itself by creating a habitual licker. Stress or a lack of exercise can cause this type of a problem.

Licking might also simply be a way of getting attention. It licks, maybe even on you and you react either positively or negatively the dog realizes that it gets your attention. Quite often licking on you can also be brought on because the dog likes the taste of the salt or body oils that it tastes from you.

If you dog is licking the floor in the kitchen or around your eating area the dog may have simply learned that quite often it will be rewarded with traces of food that have made their to the floor. In this case being a bit more thorough with your cleaning is in order to eliminate the habit.

If your dog is showing signs of extreme licking you may need to seek the help of a behavior specialist or trainer that can help you find and answer for the excessive licking and help you solve the problem.

In some cases you may want to consider making a visit to your vet so that your dog can be evaluated for any underlying medical disorder.

A quick fix that has been effective for me over the years when licking seems to become a bad habit is the use of Grannicks Bitter Apple. Simply apply it when your dog starts licking and it will quit immediately. Within a short period of continued use, the habit will hopefully go away.


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