Thursday 19 April 2018

Is A Great Dane the Right Dog for You?

A Great Dane is a lot of things. Majestic comes to mind. Stately. Massive. Lanky. Cumbersome, perhaps. Big. They are known for their gentle nature and good personality. They are great dogs! But is a Great Dane the right dog for you?

The title question might more appropriately be: Are YOU the right human for a Great Dane? Are you in a position to take on the care-giving responsibilities that come with ownership of such a dog? Perhaps you are. Below are several matters to consider before taking on a Great Dane.

A Great Dane is a dog that is intuitive to your moods and tone of voice. They are eager to please you. Thus, they don't need to be ruled with an iron fist. No newspaper smacks or harsh scolding necessary. In fact, they are far more responsive to praise and commendation.

So before getting one of these gentle creatures, consider not only his personality and character, but your own. If you tend to be impatient or easily frustrated, a Great Dane may not be the breed for you.


We're talking about an enormous dog here. Obviously, he takes up a lot of space. Even if you live in a reasonably large house, expect to be tripping over him at every turn! Part of this is because he wants to be where you are. He'll follow you around like a... well, like a puppy dog.

In fact, he will plant himself at your feet wherever you settle and be there to unassumingly trip you each time you get up. If you find this funny, go for it. But I guarantee it WILL become annoying at times. Do you have the temperament for these little annoyances.

Outdoor space needs to be considered also. He will need to stretch those long legs. Ideally you will have a yard that will accommodate that need. If not, plan on lots of long walks. And good luck keeping up with him!


A Great Dane is a drooler. If you have ever seen the movie Turner and Hooch (Hooch was not a Great Dane), you have an idea of what it's like to share space with a Dane. Oh, but he's SO cute and lovable!


When considering cost, we're not talking just about purchase price. If you want to own such a large breed, you have to be prepared financially for the costs of healthcare. Beyond your basic yearly vaccinations and heart worm medication, you have to consider the costs of possible surgeries or unexpected health problems.

Vets generally charge by size in such matters and the bottom line can be mind-boggling for major surgery. Large dogs such as Great Danes are prone to hip dysplasia and other crippling disorders, so healthcare must be counted into the cost.

If none of the above is a deterrent, a large breed like a Great Dane may be a good fit for you and yours. So do your homework first. Then enjoy welcoming this lovable breed into your life!


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