Wednesday 25 April 2018

8 Things To Consider Before Getting A Dog

Before you run out and get that new puppy or adopt that new dog be sure and take a few minutes to think about what you are getting into. There are several things to consider and hopefully these 8 items will help in that process.

1. Dogs are social creatures and because of that they need companionship. If you are a workaholic then this may not be a good time to get a dog. Of course if you work from home you will be able to spend a bunch of time with your dog.

2. Socialize your dog early. The period for socialization is birth to 20 weeks of age. If you do not socialize your dog you will probably see fear or aggression develop between 12 - 24 months of age.

3. Dogs need to be trained. They should be at least 16 weeks old for formal obedience training. Train early it will be easier for you and it keeps from the dog developing a bunch of bad habits that will create problems later.

4. Make sure that the breed of dog that you select works with your lifestyle. Don't get a Lab if you are the couch potato type that is not active. If you want a dog to go jogging with you don't pick a Pug. Make your selection based on your lifestyle.

5. If you don't want to go through the puppy raising thing adopt an adult dog. Some people love going through all the problems associated with raising a puppy and other people want nothing to do with it. It's your chose!

6. Find a vet. Not a good vet but a GREAT vet. Somebody that you trust and will give you the type of service that you expect for your canine friend. Be sure to keep your dog current on all vaccines and heartworm medication.

7. Get a leash and a collar for your dog. No retractable leashes, they are horrible for many different reasons. Instead get a nice leather 6 foot leash that will last forever. Get a collar that fits your dog and it cannot back out of.

8. If money is an issue at times you may want to consider getting a health insurance plan for your new friend. They can really come in handy when there is a serious illness or emergency.

I hope these tips will give you some things to think about when planning for your new family member. Whatever dog you decide on remember, have fun and enjoy it.


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