Saturday 21 April 2018

Cure Your Dog's Bad Breath Using Natural Home Remedies

It is not uncommon for dogs to develop bad breath. All dogs are susceptible and it doesn't matter what breed of dog you have or his size. The good news is this condition can usually be cured fairly easily. It is important, however, to first find out what is causing the problem.

What causes bad breath in dogs? Bad breath can be caused by a poor diet, digestive problems, or problems with the animal's teeth or gums.

When bad breath is a persistent problem in your animal, then a trip to the Vet is probably something you should not put off. However, just as with humans, too many medications can have a harmful effect on your dog. That is why it is good to have a Vet that does not over-prescribe medications. Vets that believe in safe, homeopathic remedies should always be your first choice.

Your vet will be able to tell you if the problem is in your dog's gums or teeth. He or she may even schedule a teeth cleaning and show you how to keep up your pet's oral health while at home.

Once you have determined your pet has no serious health issues, you can begin experimenting with some of the safe, natural home remedies available. For instance, one common treatment for bad breath is lemon juice.

Freshly squeezed juice is the best choice but if is not available you can use bottled lemon juice if you choose a brand that has no sugars or other additives. Sugar is not good for your dog's teeth! To get your dog to drink the lemon juice, simply add a teaspoon or two to his or her drinking water.

Sometimes something as simple as changing dog foods will get rid of bad breath. Just like with humans, the food your dog eats may be the thing that is causing his breath problem.

Dry dog food is usually best. Not only does it help clean your dog's teeth, it doesn't leave the oily residue canned foods leave. If you already give your dog dry food, you might try another brand. Choose one of the brands sold by your vet or in your local pet store. Yes, they are more expensive but they are usually healthier blends and will save you money on future vet bills.

Finally, brushing your dog's teeth is a good way to solve bad breath. It only takes a minute or two each day to give your dog's teeth a quick brushing. If your dog fights you on this, check with your groomer or your vet for some suggestions. They may be able to show you what to do to get your dog to "open up."

When your dog has bad breath it is not a pleasant thing to live with. However the problem can usually be solved with a simple home remedy once you have determined there is not a serious health issue causing the problem.


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