Friday 20 April 2018

Keeping Your Pit Bull Socialized And Friendly

Pit Bulls are naturally friendly dogs. They are smart, loyal and highly trainable. The key to having a friendly pit bull is to be friendly yourself. You must be a cheerful and loving pet parent in order to have a friendly and loving pet.

If you are a person who is not home much or who doesn't really want an active dog, you should not get a Pit Bull to begin with. Pit Bulls are active, athletic dogs who want to spend a lot of time with their people doing fun things. If you want a dog you can take on runs and bike rides and play Frisbee with, a Pit Bull is a good choice.

If you know quite a bit about dog psychology and are ready, willing and able to take your dog to obedience classes and maybe even agility classes, a Pit Bull is a good choice for you.

Pit Bulls are highly sociable, and they cannot abide being left alone and neglected. They tend to get anxious when left alone, and this can lead to problems like chewing and excessive barking. Just as with people, anxiety is generally a bad thing and can affect every area of your Pit Bull's life.

To be sure that your dog is not anxious and is confident and friendly, you need to spend time with him and make sure he is well socialized. Ideally, this should begin when your dog is a puppy. You should handle him and talk to him regularly and allow him to be a member of your family. Never crate him punitively or keep him separate from your family. If you do not want another family member, don't get a Pit Bull (or any other dog).

Take your puppy to the vet for a checkup as soon as is reasonably possible. If you can have the vet look him over before you make the final decision to adopt, that's best. If not, do it as soon as possible afterward. Be sure to keep your new family member up to date on all vaccinations. This is an important part of being ready for socialization.

When your puppy is old enough, take him or her to puppy classes. Many large pet stores offer these. Community centers also often have this type of class to offer. Follow this up by working with your puppy regularly and moving on to obedience classes once puppy classes are mastered.

Being well trained and well socialized helps your dog know how he is supposed to behave in public. If he is used to being around people and knows how to follow voice instructions, he will not be overly excited or anxious. He will be relaxed and friendly.

Even though we have mostly discussed puppies so far, it is important that you realize that an older Pit Bull can also be socialized. If you adopt a bully dog from a shelter or receive one in some other way, take your time to get to know the dog, get all vaccines and talk with your vet about appropriate training classes for your mature dog.

All dogs can be socialized with proper care and attention. It may take a little longer with a mature dog who may have bad experiences to overcome, but it can be done. Dedication, attention and affection are the keys to having a friendly Pit Bull or, indeed, a friendly dog of any breed.


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