Thursday 5 April 2018

Do's And Don'ts Of Bath Time

Certain dogs have a tendency to get dirty. Even those that don't get dirty too often occasionally need a trip to the bathtub. Well, there is a wrong way, and a right way of bathing your pet. I know some of you might feel that these are obvious, but the truth of the matter, people break them everyday. People use the wrong technique, and the wrong supplies. Guess who suffers? Not them, but their pet.

First rule of bathing your dog, never use a human shampoo or conditioner on them. The skin of your dog has a different PH balance then that of a human. They don't have the same skin, and therefore require different treatment to keep it clean. The skin of your dog might be a little sensitive to some of the strong ingredients in most daily shampoos. Some of these ingredients might even lead to fur loss, or worse, a rash. There are plenty of shampoos to choose from when it comes to your dog, and they can be found in your local supermarket.

The next thing, don't forget to comb out your dog's fur after the bath. When a dogs coat is wet, it tangles much faster then a dry one. That's why it's so important to make sure every hairs just as straight and smooth as can be. Remember, don't use an ordinary comb or brush on your dog. You need to use one that's made for them, this way you won't accidentally use it on yourself. Plus, some human brushes might be a little to rough for your dog's delicate skin.

Flea baths simply don't work? Want to know why? Because it's impossible to get all those little eggs off. Yes, you might kill the adults, which will make your dog a little more comfortable for a short amount of time, but you won't have any luck with the eggs. Baths are a time to get your dog clean, Front Line is meant to keep him healthy and flea free.
As a responsible owner, it might be best to ask your vet about the proper way to take care of your animal. He'll give you all the tips to make bath time a much easier situation for the both of you. I know you can find it enjoyable if you work with your dog, provide a calming environment, and most of all, get him clean as soon as possible.


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