Sunday 22 April 2018

What To Look For When It Comes To Cancer In Dogs

As a dog owner, it is always important that you remain proactive when it comes to your pet's health. This will mean not only bringing your dog in for regular veterinarian check-ups but also taking the time to notice any signs that there could be something wrong health wise. Believe it or not, canines are actually susceptible to the same forms of cancer as humans. The only major difference is that they can start to metastasize a whole lot faster in dogs than in humans.

Of course, the best way to try and detect any possible signs of cancer is looking for some symptoms that can be telling. Have you noticed any sort of swelling that is abnormal? This could actually be a sign that a tumor is growing and it should be looked at to try and confirm whether or not it is cancerous.

Appetite is another factor that you will want to take into consideration if you are concerned about your dog's health. If he or she has cancer, you may find that they will start to lose their appetite as well as lose a significant amount of weight. Hand in hand with loss of appetite can be a loss of stamina as well as a drop in energy levels.

Some dogs that are in the later stages of cancer will start to have issues when it comes to expelling waste. Abnormal patterns for breathing might be a concern and there could even be wounds, bleeding and/or discharge that will occur simply because they have a weakened immune system. If you start to notice these or any other sort of symptoms that are alarming or a big change from the way that your dog normally acts, it is important that you bring them to your vet as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis.

There are treatments that you can talk with your veterinarian about that are known to help fight cancer in dogs. However, they can be painful and quite costly over the long haul. The more that you educate yourself on the type of cancer that your dog has as well as your options when it comes to treatment or life care, the better equipped you will be to help keep them comfortable as long as possible. Overall, while it can be devastating to hear that your dog has a form of cancer, you can work with your vet to try and treat your pet as soon as possible.


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