Tuesday 3 July 2018

Things You Need to Know To Survive Your Puppy

When I talk about surviving your puppy I am talking about what you need to know to survive and co-exist with a puppy between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks. This can be a very exhausting and trying time for a new dog owner.

During this period there is the excitement of a new family member and the agony, like getting up in the middle of the night to take the newest family member out to do its business.

Hopefully this article will give you some things to consider and make this period with your dog just a little bit easier for both of you.

1. House training - yes this is job #1 at this point in your new dog's life. Forget about puppy pads, they just don't work. Instead use the crate training method. Make sure you get the correct crate. It should be big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around and lay down and that is all, no bigger.
2. Crate - make sure you get the right one. No wire cages, you want the plastic type crate that is more of a den like place for your dog. Dogs are den animals and your new friend will learn to love his den.

Grannick Bitter Apple
3. Biting - all puppies do it and it can be very annoying as well as painful. Get some Grannicks Bitter Apple and spray it on yourself when the dog feels a need to chew on your hands for example. The dog learns that you don't taste good and simply quits. This product does not stain anything and is safe to use.

4. Sleep - as an 8 week old pup your new friend needs plenty of sleep and does not need to be carried all of the time. Babies and puppies also need to sleep to be healthy and happy.

5. Exercise - as your puppy gets older exercise is important to keep the little guy happy and calm. Play retrieve games but never tug-of-war. Walks are also a great way to get exercise for both of you.

Getting through those first 2 months can be tough for some people. In fact believe it or not some people actually find a new home for their dog during this period because it becomes too much.

If things seem like they are simply too much to handle make a call and find a trainer that can help you get through this rough period.

Source:Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8979356

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