Monday 9 July 2018

Only Give A Command One Time

There is one very important thing that dog owners should always remember. Let me share this one thing with you. This is really important in training and conditioning your dog.

Only give a command one time and then make it happen if your dog does not respond.

I always tell dog owners to never repeat a command. Doing that simply conditions the dog that you will say it multiple times and there is no need to do it on the first command. This should start when your dog is a puppy to teach it what you expect and that you will only tell it once.

If you are a parent you know what a problem this can be. Perhaps you have a child that simply will not clean his or her room when asked. You have to say it multiple times without results. I solved that problem when my daughter was young. I simply asked her to clean her room one time and if she did not do it then I took something that was valuable to her away. In her case it was a music or singing lesson. I only had to do that one time, she learned that I was serious. The same can be true for your dog.

Now here is the next thing to consider. Most people have a habit of training their dog in one particular place. Perhaps you do it in the family room or even the kitchen and the dog learns to preform your command flawlessly in that location. Now here is the problem that I see daily. The dog has been conditioned to work well in these locations but will not work well in other locations.

I tell dog owners that training your dog for 15 minutes a day, and training in at least 6 different locations will give you the best behaved dog in the neighborhood. Yes you need to take your dog to different places. Get your dog out of the house and train in the front yard. When the dog is doing well there then move to the street.

So now that you have a dog that looks great in and around the house let's take the training to the park. There are a lot of new distractions there that your dog will need to work around. We call this "PROOFING" your dog. Teaching it to work around all kinds of distractions and it does just as well there as it does at home.

With a very small effort on your part you can have that dog that you always wanted and can be proud of wherever you go!


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