Friday 13 July 2018

Why Does My Dog Chase Its Tail?

Just about everyone has witnessed a dog chasing his tail. It is always good for a chuckle, and this could be exactly why your dog is doing it. Often chasing his tail is just a humorous little game, but sometimes it could be a sign of something more serious. It is important to understand the underlying reason why your dog may be chasing his tail.

If your dog is very young it is likely he is just going through a temporary phase. Often when puppies discover their tails it is something new that they can play with. This is perfectly normal.

Normally tail chasing will subside as the dog gets older. They may still revert to this behavior from time to time for attention. If they discover that chasing their tail will get you to laugh and pet them they will continue to do it. Again, this is normally harmless unless it becomes a real habit.

Excessive tail chasing could be a sign that your dog is not getting enough exercise or is suffering from boredom. Often if a dog is confined to a small space, or lacks an appropriate level of exercise they could fall back on this behavior.

Other times it can be a sign of an injury, flees, or another cause of discomfort on their tail. If tail chasing is not a usual activity for your dog you should investigate if it suddenly starts happening.

Check the tail area for injury, rashes, or a cause that could lead to your dog trying to catch his tail. If there are no visible signs of the cause you should try to increase your dog's activity level. Incorporate walks in the park and additional play time. If boredom or excessive energy is the culprit this should clear it up. If exercise doesn't work and there are no physical signs of discomfort it may be time to consult your veterinarian.

Tail chasing sounds very harmless, but this sudden change in activity in an older dog can be a warning sign of greater problems. Your dog could be suffering from anxiety or psychological issues.

Often the behavior starts when there is an irritant on the tail. When he catches it in his mouth there is some relief. Later, he could resort to this activity when faced with other threats because catching his tail provided relief in the past. If the activity is not stopped early it could be difficult to prevent in the future.

If your dog suddenly starts chasing his tail, do him a favor and investigate. Hopefully he is just vying for your attention, but in some cases it is a warning sign of a larger problem.


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