Sunday 22 July 2018

Choosing The Bouvier Des Flandres As Your New Pet

Originally, the Bouvier Des Flandres was bred to work on a farm. The dog has a rugged look and the strength to back its appearance up. It bears a similar resemblance to a Scottish Terrier, but it has a stockier build and a characteristic beard and mustache. If this tough, gentleman-looking blend of dog sounds appealing to you, be sure it is a breed that makes for a good house pet for your situation.

It was not until 1936, that a Belgian and French committee recognized the breed. The breed standard was not adopted until the mid 1960s. The breed is still a hard-working dog employed on farms as well as in law enforcement. It makes a great guard dog because of its tough demeanor.

The dog is highly trainable. Still, if you are going to bring a dog into a home with elderly individuals or young children, you might use caution. It would be best to bring the dog in as a puppy and train him to be well behaved first. An older dog will have already have his behavioral trends set, and if he is used to guarding people or helping fight crimes, he may not be the most gentle or patient house pet for your situation.

Another factor to keep in mind is the extreme amount of grooming that is required of this dog. His fur is long and is a virtual dirt and mud trap. You cannot expect to take your beloved Bouvier outdoors for a walk and come home without a speck of dirt on him.

If this is not a problem for you or for your carpets, just be aware that as with many breeds with long fur you will need to be vigilant about brushing him and keeping his fur trimmed. If you have the time to care for this dog, he will make the perfect pet for you.

If you travel a lot, and must leave him in someone else's care, perhaps choose a different breed. You want to be aware that the dog can be willful, so anyone who is not good with dogs or is not trained to handle strong-willed dogs would not make a good care taker for your pet. If you have owned dogs before and this breed appeals to you, you can expect to enjoy many years with him as your pet.


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