Thursday 19 July 2018

Helpful Tips For Puppy Proofing Your Home

Bringing a puppy into your life can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. However, if you want your puppy to be safe and grow to be a happy and obedient dog, it is important that you not only train them but that you also take the necessary steps for puppy proofing your home. Because each household is different, it is best to take a second glance at various areas of your home to make sure that you are prepared. There are also some helpful tips that you can keep in mind as you work towards puppy proofing.

Your bathroom can be full of puppy hazards if you are not careful. Take the time to put any trash bins up high enough in the bathroom or within a cabinet so that the puppy cannot get to them. Items such as used razors and sanitary supplies can be some hazards that you don't want your puppy finding. Also keep in mind that bathtubs and sinks that are full or even toilets that have an open lid can pose a drowning hazard.

Seeing how it is almost like childproofing your home for a baby, you will want to keep any smaller objects out of the reach of your puppy. This will include dental floss, coins, rubber bands, jewelry and anything else that can be easily swallowed or tangled up. Of course, anything that is of sentimental value or costly should always be put away until your dog is a bit older and much less likely to chew on things.

You will find that having a puppy in your home means limiting areas where they are able to explore when you are not able to actively watch them. Many puppy owners have found that baby gates are their best friend. This will help you to close off stairwells that can pose a danger and keep your puppy out of rooms where you do not want him or her to venture. If you do not like the idea of having baby gates up all over your home, you may want to see about closing doors to rooms that are off limits or even investing in a crate when you are not able to watch your puppy.

The kitchen is always going to be a place of possible temptation for your puppy. Just as the bathroom rubbish should be out of the way, you need to keep your puppy from getting into the kitchen trash. There can be items such as coffee grounds, plastic wrap, chicken bones and more that can lead to a choking hazard or diarrhea and vomiting if consumed.

Overall, you will find that these and other helpful tips will keep your puppy safe and your home free from disasters.


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