Monday 30 July 2018

Exactly When Is A Dog Thought Of As A Senior?

Unfortunately dogs will age much more rapidly than we humans do, and it is painful to see them as they get older. The time it takes for this to happen will vary by breed, but generally speaking the larger the breed, the faster it happens.

Statistics tell us that only 13 per cent of the larger breeds live past 10 years, and 38 per cent of the smaller breeds live over ten years. Dogs are considered to be in their senior years when they are in the final 25% of their lives. We can also tell, as they slow down quite a bit, and are not nearly as active as they once were.

It is a good idea to keep in close contact with your veterinarian, as dogs develop arthritis and other maladies as they age. Your vet may have some good ideas on what to feed your dog too, as the need for lots of protein will diminish as the dog becomes less active.

It is important that your dog still gets a good amount of exercise, but just not as much running as your dog was probably used to when he or she was in their younger years. Walks with a leash would be the ideal exercise, and of course, you will be getting some exercise too, so there will be a double benefit.

Exercise will keep your dog's muscles and breathing in good shape, and there will be limited impact as far as joints go. Your dog will be wanting to lay around more, but will relish the opportunity to go on walks.

When dogs get older, they are more tuned into being with their people, and when you care for your dog they really appreciate it. You may have to bring the food to the dog as they decline, but when it happens, the dog will be fine with it, if that is how it has to be. Sometimes it will require help in getting outside to do their business, as some dogs will get lame as they get older.

Senior dogs become more and more dependent on their people as they age, and it seems a shame, and yet it is an honor to repay a loyal and steadfast friend for the years of companionship and love. It is the least we can do for such a fine friend in their latter years.


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