Monday 16 July 2018

Ideal Dogs For Senior Citizens

Dogs are the perfect human companion. This is true for people of any age, especially seniors who need the love and happiness a dog brings to their lives. Keeping active is essential for a senior citizen's good health, and a canine companion fits the bill with all the outdoor walks and playtime the dog needs.

Yet, once a person who takes in a dog later in life settles in with his or her pet, there are some concerns about what will happen when the senior ages and in 10 or 15 years cannot get around as much. What if an owner must move to an assisted living home? What will happen to the dog? Is there a dog that is perfect for seniors no matter their age or abilities?

In most cases, the size of the dog matters when a senior or late-middle aged individual chooses the pet. As a person reaches certain ages the problem of being able to lift a dog or walk without pain comes into the picture. Small dogs, therefore, should be easier to handle on walks or on car trips to the vet.

Dog breeds that have healthy backgrounds and good genetics are better for seniors, too. A German Shepard, for example, is a fantastic companion and guard dog. Yet, this breed often succumbs to health problems at an early age. For a senior who lives on a fixed income, they may not be able to handle all the veterinarian bills that accompany its ownership.

Still, choosing a dog based on its breed's health history does not guarantee a dog will not need some vet care in his or her life. To choose the ideal companion first consider your own health and your future plans. Do you have a family that could take on or would be able to take on caring for the animal if something were to happen to you?

Older dogs are better choices for seniors than puppies are, too. This way, you are already aware of any health issues the dogs has. If the dog is healthy, chances are your time with him or her will be trouble-free.

Are there specific dog choices best for seniors? The answer to this is that a person can choose any breed of dog to call their friend as long as they plan ahead and take all factors affecting them into consideration.


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