Saturday 7 July 2018

Is It Safe To Shop With Your Dog?

Most stores do not allow dogs. This is especially true of stores that sell food. Allowing dogs is against health codes; however, these days a number of non-food stores will allow you to shop with your dog. Is this safe? In this article, we will explore this question. Read on to learn more.

If you want to shop with your dog, it is important that you prepare appropriately. Your dog must be well trained, well socialized and properly controlled. Being in a strange environment with a lot of strange people can be confusing and frightening for a dog. That's why it's important that you and your dog communicate well and that your dog be confident and comfortable around people.

Taking your dog to a store is not something you should do on a whim. You'll need to prepare your dog by participating in obedience classes, taking your dog on regular walks and outings to places where there are lots of people and being sure he or she will respond to your leash and voice commands. You'll also need to be sure your dog is properly outfitted with a well-fitted collar that will not slip off his or her head and a strong leash that is comfortable for you to hold.

After lots of practice, you can try taking your dog into a dog friendly store. Verify this by phone before visiting the store. Although most pet stores are dog friendly, this is not a good place to start. There are too many distractions with dog treats, pets for sale, other visiting dogs and so on. Try a big, open sort of store such as a home improvement center where the aisles are wide and you are unlikely to encounter other dogs. Your first trips should be during a quiet time of day when there aren't many customers present.

Stroll around outside the store to acclimate your dog with the area, then venture inside. Just stroll calmly up and down the aisles. Keep your dog on a short leash. Don't allow him or her to range back and forth across the aisle or approach people. Walk calmly through the store and then leave. Don't try to purchase anything the first few times you do this. You need your hands and your attention focused on your dog.

Repeat your visit to the same store two or three times before expanding to different stores. This will help build your dog's confidence. Always be sure that the stores you bring your dog to will welcome him or her. Most pet stores are dog friendly, as well as feed stores, home improvement stores, hardware stores and a surprising number of clothing and department stores.

Avoid having any negative interactions in stores by becoming familiar with areas of the store where your dog may not be welcome (e.g. a food court). Remember that taking your dog into stores is not a necessity. It should be something you do because you and your dog enjoy it. It is important that your dog always have a positive experience when entering social situations. Confrontations will cause your dog to feel anxious and could lead to serious problems. If anyone ever challenges your right to be in a store, acquiesce. You can always call the store later to sort out any problems. When both you and your dog know how to behave in a store, you will surely have a safe and enjoyable time.


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