Friday 20 July 2018

How Can I Make House Training My Puppy Easier?

House training a puppy can be a difficult process. Many dog owners get frustrated at the process because it does not progress as fast as they would have liked it to. Perhaps your puppy just isn't 'getting it.' Every puppy is going to present different challenges to it's owner throughout the house training process. However, there are common instincts that will help facilitate house training. Below, we will discuss some of the tips that you can use in order to house train your puppy as soon as possible without complications.


1. Never Let Your Puppy Soil The House.

The first rule of puppy house training is that you simply cannot let your puppy soil the house. This will only encourage the behavior in the future. By keeping your puppy in a crate as much as possible, you will be able to effectively reduce the chances of your puppy going to the bathroom inside of your house. This is a good way to prevent them from going in the wrong place.

2. Reward Your Puppy Every Time.

The next thing that you are going to want to be sure that you do is to reward your puppy every time they happen to go to the bathroom outside. This will help your puppy understand that going to the bathroom outside is a good thing and associate it with praise.

3. Never Punish The Puppy For Mistakes.

It is also important that if your puppy happens to make a mistake, never punish them. After all, your puppy has no clue what you are punishing them for. Punishing your puppy is only going to lead to them being scared of you and fearing you. They may even start to disobey you.

4. Put Puppy On Regular Feeding Schedule.

It is also essential that you place your puppy on a very tight feeding schedule. That way, your puppy is going to be able to train their own bodies as to when they are going to have to go to the bathroom and when they are going to eat. Usually puppies like to go to the bathroom after they eat. Therefore, always take your puppy outside after they eat and reward them for going.

Being patient, developing a schedule and being consistent are very important things to consider when house training a pup.


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