Wednesday 18 July 2018

Important Facts You Should Know About Great Danes

The Great Dane is a beautiful, stoic dog that is sure to draw a lot of attention wherever it goes due to its very large size. If a Dane is bred properly it will not only be very tall but also muscular, chiseled and regal in its form. Great Danes are not necessarily the dog for everyone and it is very important that before including this beautiful breed into your life you understand a few important facts about them, their character and needs.


Probably the most obvious fact to keep in mind is this dogs size. Although they are not the tallest dogs they are right up there reaching a height of up to forty two inches. It is not to say that a Dane cannot live in an apartment but keep in mind that due to their size they could be a bit obtrusive and will require patience as well as a proper adjustment period.

Emotional Attention

Great Danes need a lot of attention that goes beyond proper feeding, bathing, exercising etc. A Dane needs to feel like it is part of the family unit and home. This breed should not be left outside and treated as a mere guard dog it can produce negative emotional and physical behaviors such as depression, aggression and mental instability.

Beware of Anxiety

It has been found that Great Danes who experience anxiety can easily develop bloat which means that air enters the stomach and causes twists and torsions. If your dog is left alone too long during the day it will experience anxiety and if that leads to bloat it could very easily kill your new dog in under an hour.

Speedy Growth

A Great Dane grows at exceedingly fast paces, in one year your dog could grow from adorable little pup to full grown adult so tall that he would be able to reach a six foot tall man eye-to-eye level. It is important to take this into consideration for you and your Great Dane´s comfort.

Great Danes are a regal, loyal and affectionate breed but due to their size and special needs for care and attention it is very important to understand the responsibility you will be taking on by adding a this breed into your family. Many times when people take on the responsibility of a Dane and realize that is more difficult than they assumed the Great Dane ends up abandoned or in a shelter so make sure you are truly ready to be committed to this amazing breed.


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