Tuesday 17 July 2018

Do Basset Hounds Make Good Pets?

Basset hounds are said to be some of the most friendly and amicable dogs to have in a family. They are said to be friendly and while some are somber, most are good-natured, peaceful, and able to get along with anyone. Bassets are good to have around children, older people, and even guests to your home as well. You do not have to worry about this lovable dog attacking the neighbors.

Below you will find some facts on the basset and why they make the perfect family pet.

Characteristics of the Basset Hound

• They are a strong breed that is small to medium size with short legs that make them even more adorable

• Very good-natured, even above other breeds, so perfect to have around children

• Gets along well with not only people, but other animals as well

Other Characteristics to Watch for

Of course, as with any type of animal, the Basset has other characteristics to watch for. These don't make him any less of the perfect family pet, but some people can be picky.

• This hound snores

• They can be stubborn and just look at you when you give an order

• Basset hounds are notorious for drooling and slobbering, it is one of the things that makes them so cute

• They also tend to be hard to house train, but just like any breed can be taught with patience and firmness

Basset hounds make the perfect pet for someone who has a family to consider. If you give them the love, attention, and affection they deserve, then they will make you a loyal family pet. The hound is great with children and will adapt quickly to other family pets.

Do not leave the animal pinned in a yard for too long, because they do tend to bay and howl quite loudly, which may disturb the neighbors.

If you are looking for a dog breed that is gentle, playful, and sweet, then a basset hound may just be the breed for you and your family. Sure, they have their own set of problems, but these lovable animals with the soulful eyes are hard to resist, quickly worming their way into your heart.

So, yes, basset hounds make great family pets. From their playful ways to their stubbornness and "what's in it for me," attitude, you can't find a better pet to become a pet parent too if you are looking.


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