Tuesday 10 July 2018

Taking Your New Puppy For A Vet Check

You just bought a new puppy from a breeder or perhaps you adopted it from a shelter or rescue group. The first thing you should do is make arrangements to take the puppy to your vet for a wellness examination. Most breeders allow a certain number of days to accomplish the wellness exam and you want to make sure that you have a healthy puppy. This is especially true if you are going to bring this puppy around your other pets.

Your vet will be able to make sure that it is free of ticks and fleas while at the same time doing a fecal exam to make sure your new family member is free of internal parasites as well. Treating for internal parasite is easy and it will be nice to know if there is a worm problem so it is not spread to your other dogs.

Of course while you are with your vet he will inspect your dog's eyes and ears to make sure everything looks clear.

I'm sure your vet will mention it, however if he doesn't be sure and ask when you should start giving your dog heartworm medication. Heartworms can be a very serious problem however with a very simple monthly treatment you can avoid the pain and expense of heartworms later on.

If you have any shot records that came with your pup make sure you leave a copy with the vet. He will be able to recommend a vaccination schedule for your new dog and it is very important to follow his recommendation and keep your dog healthy and safe.

This is the time to ask questions. Vets are always happy to giving good useful pointers for raising that new dog so that it stays healthy.

Discussing which dog food is the best for your dog is a common question with new puppy owners. Your vet will have some good information to guide you in the right direction.

Now that you know your puppy is healthy it's time to start looking for a dog trainer that can give you advice on all things relating to raising a puppy to be a confident well behaved adult dog and member of your family.

Most trainers have a short puppy lesson program for puppies that will help with puppy problems and socialization. Later when your dog is 4 months old the trainer will be able to help you with the formal obedience training that will give you the dog you have always wanted.


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