Monday 26 March 2018

The 3 Steps Of Good Dog Training

Dog training consists of three basic steps. If done properly and in the correct sequence, you will have a happy, well-trained dog. The three steps are: teaching your dog, correcting him, and proofing his training so that he is able to perform in any environment. 

Step 1: The Teaching Phase. During this first phase, you are teaching the dog what a command means and what he is supposed to do. This step can be used whether you are teaching your dog to Sit or something much more advanced. You have to teach the dog before you can move on to do anything else. It's important to make teaching as much fun for your dog as possible during this step and the steps that follow. Dogs learn best when you keep things fun. If your dog thinks training is like a game, he will have a good attitude and enjoy learning. 

Step 2: The Correction Phase. During this phase you know that the dog knows the exercise but he refuses to do it. When this happens you give a verbal and/or small leash correction. The dog learns to do what you ask every time. Although you are correcting your dog, you should still keep this phase fun. Maintain a positive attitude toward your dog. Do not train your dog when you're angry or upset. 

Step 3: The Proofing Phase. When your dog is doing everything well you start increasing the distractions present so that he learns to perform in any environment. This means that you can add sounds, things moving, additional people in the room, and even take him to new places to practice the exercises. Proofing helps to make your dog perfect at performing the exercises and he learns to ignore the distractions. Take your time. It is more important to get things right than to rush your dog's training. It can take a long time to proof some commands so that your dog performs them reliably. During this phase you will most likely be working without the leash so plan to work in enclosed areas at first until you are sure that your dog can be trusted in open areas. 

By taking the required time to work on each step you will have a dog that not only works well in your living room without any distractions, but also outside around other people and distractions. The secret is to take the time to accomplish each step properly and make it fun.


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