Sunday 18 March 2018

5 Things To Consider Before Getting A Dog

Before getting a dog there are several things that you should consider. Not everybody should have a dog at this point in their life depending on several situations. I hope these items will get you thinking. 

1. Lifestyle. Yes your lifestyle is something to consider. Do you work 12 hours a day and don't have much free time or do you have plenty of time to spend with a dog? Are you and / or your family active? Do you go for walks or daily jogs? Do you enjoy hiking or spending time at a local park? If you have time to spend with your dog and have an active lifestyle you will probably enjoy having a larger more active dog like a lab or a border collie. 

However if your life is more sedentary then a small dog may be more in line with your needs because they just don't seem to need the same level of exercise. 

2. Financial Commitment. Dog are not cheap. I'm not even talking about the initial cost I'm talking about the maintenance. Dog food, heartworm medication, and vet bills can get expensive and this is something to consider if you are on a tight budget. 

Also keep in mind the possibility of a serious illness or accident that can cause a very large vet bill. Can you handle that? 

3. Big or Small Dog. This is an important question and as I mentioned your lifestyle has a lot to do with making this decision. Is the dog for and adult that likes large dogs or maybe for a small child where a small dog will be more appropriate. 

4. Puppy or Adult Dog. This is really an important question. Are you and your family willing and prepared for all the work that a puppy will bring? Don't forget there is house training, socialization and all the visits to the vet for puppy shots. 

Maybe you don't want to go through all of that and want to start with a dog that is a little older and hopefully is already a little better behaved. Then getting an adult dog may be the best for you. 

5. Adopt or Purchase. So now the last thing to think about is are we going to buy a puppy from a breeder or adopt a puppy or older dog from a shelter or rescue? There really isn't a right or a wrong answer here it is simply which one is best for you and your family. 

So before you get that new dog or puppy take a few minutes to consider these 5 pointers. Good luck!


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