Friday 23 March 2018

6 Ways To Choose A Good Doggy Day Care

If you are at all like me word of mouth is always a good way to find out about any type of company that is really good and offers great customer service. Well the same is true when it comes to finding a doggy day care for your best friend. Here are 6 things you should do and ask to make sure you have the right spot for your dog. 

1. Take a tour 

Sure give them a call and ask for a tour. In fact better yet just drop in without your dog. That will give you a more realistic look at how things are going when they are not planning on having a visitor. 

2. What does the facility look like? 

Does it meet your standards for a place to leave your 4 legged family member? Do things appear to be organized and safe for all the dogs involved? 

3. Do they have enough staff for the number of dogs? 

Is the staff adequate? Are they responsible adults or young teens? There should be about 1 employee for every 8 dogs. Watch them, or they interacting with the dogs are simply standing around talking. 

4. Is it clean? 

This is important. Even though accidents will happen the staff should clean it up quickly. Everything should appear clean and should smell fresh. 

5. What is their admission policy? 

A good facility will require that your dog is current on all vaccinations. It will also require that all dogs are either spay or neutered. All dogs should be checked to make sure they do not show aggression with other dogs. If this facility does not require all these items then find another day care. 

6. Will you and your dog be comfortable here? 

So the final thing is to pick a place that you will be comfortable leaving your dog and that your dog will enjoy as well. Do you like the staff, the location and the way that the dogs interact here? 

Finding a doggy day care that you will feel comfortable leaving your dog may take a little bit of effort because they are not all the same. However it will be worth the effort because you will feel good about leaving your dog and knowing that it is in a safe friendly environment. Your dog will thank you!


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