Saturday 24 March 2018

5 Things Your Dog Wants You To Remember

Whether or not you realize this fact dogs want the same thing that you want, companionship. Yes dogs are pack animals and not only enjoy being with other members of the pack but they absolutely need it to be happy. When you stop and think for a moment humans are the same. Isolation is complete torture for a human and the same for a dog. So as a member of your pack your dog has a few things it hopes you will remember. Lets talk about those things.

1. Let me live where you live please don't ban me to the backyard.

Dogs need and want to be a part of the family. You just can't experience the love that a dog can give if you isolate it in the backyard because then it becomes what I call living lawn furniture. The dog that drives the neighbors crazy with the barking. The next thing that happens is no body even wants to go in the backyard because the dog is crazy and will jump all over you. So let your dog live with you in the house.

2. Spend some quality time with me.

Make a promise to your dog that you will give it a few minutes of one-on-one time every day so you can develop that bond that is so important for the dog master relationship.

3. Train me so you can be proud of me.

This is an important one. Dogs need to be trained. Big dog really need training but the little one need training as well. Training develops the dog master relationship and lets the dog know its place in the pack. Look around well behaved dogs are never a problem. It's the untrained dogs that everybody complains about.

4. Take care of my health so you and I can grow old together.

Just like you, your dogs needs routine visits to the doctor to keep it healthy. Heartworm medication and annual shots are very important. If money is an issue invest in a doggy insurance plan. They can really come in handy when that catastrophic illness happens.

5. Make sure I get exercise it will actually help us both

Exercise is import to keep humans healthy and the same for your dog so take a few minutes everyday to go for a nice long walk to keep your dog happy, healthy and to build much needed serotonin in the brain for his general well being. The added bonus is that you are going to be healthier at the same time. Give it a try you just may enjoy it.

If you will do these few simple things I will be the loyal companion you have always wanted. I'll be there when you don't feel well and even just when you need a friend to listen to you.


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