Saturday 3 March 2018

Does Your Dog Show Stress When You Are Moving?

Believe it or not, moving from one house to another can cause stress in your dog. In fact, I have helped several people over the years that had problems with their dog as they started packing for the move. I had other clients that had no problems until they moved into the new house and some of my clients actually experienced both of these issues.

My wife actually adopted a pug from a family that was moving out of state and didn't want to take the dog with them. I know it's horrible. When we went to see the dog the house was full of boxes stacked everywhere getting ready for the move.

My wife adopted the dog and she turned out to be a great dog. However about three years later we decided to move and started boxing things up to prepare for the move. This dog all of a sudden started to act out in several different ways and you could look into her eyes and see that she appeared sad.

Our first thought was she thinks we are moving and that we are going to give her away again. Well we didn't do that, nope she traveled with us to the new house and again you could tell by looking into her big brown eyes that she was very grateful and realized she had found her forever home.

Well the same thing can happen with your dog and you may find that your dog is acting out in some way while you are preparing for your move. Be patient and have a bit of understanding about what your dog may be going through.

Now most problems seem to happen when we get to the new house. The dog is probably saying where are we and what happened to my home and all the things I am used to. Again be patient and give your dog time to settle in. If your dog was good and showed no behavior problems at the old house he will calm down and be good at this house as well after a few days.

I do warn people that when moving into a new house it is not that unusual for your dog to pee once or twice in the beginning. Not all dogs do it but a bunch of them do. It is simply your dog's way of marking his or her territory and saying this is my home now.


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